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Semi Trailers in Advance Intermodal Logistics

European Union
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Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport sectors
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The SAIL project is funded by the European Commission under the 5th Framework Programme GROWTH, DG TREN. SAIL is attached to the Key Action Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality and the Task 2.2.1/3 Optimisation of the use of semi trailers in the intermodal transport chain.


The share of semi trailers in freight transport by road is increasing (about 60 000 tons p.a. in Europe). Not even 3% of these are equipped to be handled by crane. Thus they cannot easily be transported intermodally on the well-known pocket wagons. In addition, the processes for loading and unloading at the terminal are very time-consuming and cost-intensive.


For economical, safety and environmental reasons as well as for reasons of competitiveness, it is highly desirable to have a bigger share of semi trailers transported in intermodal transport by rail (e.g. by piggyback traffic). Various technological and process changes are needed to enable this higher share of intermodal traffic for semi trailers.


The project SAIL intends to improve the intermodal transportation of semi-trailers in Europe. There is a need for this project because the European road transport is dominated by semi-trailers on average for 60% to 85% of total road volume, whereas the percentage of semi-trailers transported by rail has decreased down to 10% of the intermodal transport volume. Recent tunnel accidents in Austria enforce the need for alternative freight transportation modes.


This project intends to increase the percentage of semi-trailers of transported by rail. It will analyse and assess semi-trailers transported by road and rail using an integrated systems approach. Technical and operational aspects will be regarded.


The optimisation potential will be identified with a special emphasis on the interfaces of the system's elements. The worked out solutions will be practically demonstrated and evaluated on a relevant typical route in Europe.


In the SAIL project, the transportation of semi trailers by road and in intermodal transport will be analysed and assessed with the aid of an integrated system approach. This approach will include technical, organisational, operational and economical points of view in order to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for their optimal utilisation of the network.

The analysis will be performed in six closely connected areas, which mirror the transport chain in the intermodal transportation of semi trailers.


These system components are:

  • the transport market
  • the processes of road transport

  • the technology of road transport
  • the processes at the terminal
  • the technology of rail transport
  • the processes of rail transport


With each of these system components, the aspects of norms and standards, service as well as costs and competition are considered.

In a second step, the improvements identified will be practically tested on a relevant rail-road route of intermodal transportation. Effectiveness of improvements will be demonstrated through the comprehensive transport chain from the carrier to the rail feed.


The test trials should encompass the interoperabil


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (DG TREN)
Type of funding
Public (EU)


  • A clear overview of the potential and limits for the use of semi trailers in intermodal transport chains in Europe and partly in Third Countries
  • Recommendations on technical, organisational and operational standardised solutions to enhance and ease the use of semi trailers in intermodal transport.

Policy implications

A real-scale demonstration of the findings that would serve as a basis for wide applications in Europe.


A clear overview of the potential and limits for the use of semitrailers in intermodal transport chains in Europe and partly in Third Countries. To improve the intermodal transportation of semi-trailers in Europe. To analyse and assess semi-trailers transported by road and rail using an integrated systems approach.

Vehicle technology

Recommendations on technical, organisational and operational standardised solutions to enhance and ease the use of semitrailers in intermodal transport.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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