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Smart shopping mobility in the AT-HU cross-border region

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

Transport linked to shopping and personal activities is 30% of total daily traffic. Shopping is the most important destination in cross-border traffic by far. In this case, and generally in cross-border traffic, the ratio of environment-friendly means of traffic is lower than in the case of commuter traffic. This is valid for both: inter-regional shopping transport to big shopping centres and travels for ‘local supply’. Demographic and economic changes, especially in the case of ‘local supply’, require solutions ensuring sustainable mobility and creating positive economic synergies between mobility offers and ‘local suppliers’.

There is not enough experience  available about the factors for choosing means of traffic and the inhabitants’ cross-border shopping-mobility demands in order to elaborate socially and ecologically sustainable mobility offers. The project SmashMob intends to fill this gap.


Objectives of the project are as follows:

  • To eliminate knowledge gaps in the field of transport and shopping needs and on traffic behaviour
  • To formulate concrete recommendations in the field of transport and shopping to increase the use of environmentally friendly means of transport
  • Specific recommendations to the local inhabitants
  • Development of pilot-type mobility proposals for the use of environmentally friendly means of transport


Parent Programmes


The project achieved the following outcomes:

  • There central purchasing behaviour data were collected from traffic between the regions
  • The traffic behaviour survey of local transport and shopping - in relation to "local supply"
  • Recommendations and guidelines
  • Development of Pilot Projects

As a result the project set following recommendations for the local shopping:

  • Local recommendations are primarily generated in relation to the transport needs of small purchases to meet environmental target. According to the household questionnaire,  more than 40% of all costs are addressed in the small car shopping, no matter what the circumstances are.
  • According to the survey, 67% respondents can imagine use of cycling, in the case of  small shopping trips and in the case that the store is close enough  and  it is possible to get there via safe bike path. In practice, the small shopping needs of the majority of the people interviewed would like to make shopping close to their homes. 

Policy objectives

Support of sustainable transport.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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