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Smart use of smart media and games for the promotion of pro-social mobility behavior (314-99-009)

Netherlands Flag
Geo-spatial type
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

Interventions based on smart media and persuasive games are relatively new tools to stimulate pro-social mobility behaviour (car-sharing, taking public transport). While current interventions and theories provide a solid basis, two important gaps still exist: (1) Current research rarely takes individual differences into account, raising questions how persuasive games should be targeted at different demographic and lifestyle groups. (2) Current empirical evidence on persuasive game effects is often based on student samples limited in diversity.


The aim of the project is to find out which design elements affect behaviour changes for differential demographic and lifestyle target groups. We take a three-step approach to answer these questions.

In Step-1, we construct and validate a measurement instrument to identify differential sustainability groups. This instrument will be based on a white paper on sustainability values by private partner Motivaction.

In Step-2, we test which design features in persuasive games are most appealing and effective. Together with private partners IC3D Media and Germans Media, we design a persuasive mobility game based on best practices from private partner DTV Consultants in transportation. We create different game versions to test which design elements (avatar, feedback) works best for whom.

In Step-3, we combine results from Steps-1 and 2. We test the effectiveness of targeting design features (as defined in Step-2) to the different sustainability groups (as defined in Step-1) to show the added value of targeted game design.

Results provide scientifically-based best practices to underpin existing and future persuasive-game interventions focused on mobility behaviour.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Research agency
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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