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South East Baltic TRANSport LINK

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

SEBTrans-Link is an EU-project with financial support from the so-called Interreg III B programme. The project is a direct continuation of the former Interreg II C project SEBTrans.


This SEBTrans project identified strong demand for improved infrastructure in the SEBTrans corridors. In the North-South Corridor, building the A1 motorway (Gdynia – Lodge) in Poland is a first priority together with improving the section within Sweden (Gothenburg – Borås – Växjö – Karlskrona). Road improvements promote local, regional and interregional cohesion most efficiently in the short term, though rail also needs improvements to be able to reach long term sustainable transport networks.


Port infrastructure should be developed in co-ordination with the hinterland links.

  • Expanding, merging and linking local labour markets;
  • Stimulation of business renewal by improved accessibility in transport networks;
  • Protect the natural and urban environment and promote cultural assets;
  • Strategies and plans to improve infrastructure and channel spatial development;
  • Developing a 'breakpoint' system based on rail transport.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Joint Technical Secretariats for each of the strands, respectively regions.
Type of funding
Public (EU)


Main results of the Project are:

  • Studies analysing consequences of infrastructure investments to improve accessibility in the road-, rail and sea transport network in the area of the South East Baltic Sea and the impact on: Expanding Labour market; Promoting business renewal by improved transport networks; Protecting natural and urban environment to promote tourism; and improving channel spatial development
  • A Political platform, founded under form of an association, for continuously lobbying activities for the North South Transport Corridor 'Baltic-Link'
  • Some small pilot investments

Concerning the "regional" aspect, the results of the project show that a minor infrastructure measure package to a relative low investment cost could realise a well functional transport system in southern Sweden with good transnational links to the bigger TEN-systems and to the neighbouring countries. The biggest effects are reached with measures on the railway, both regarding labour market expanding and goods transportation (intermodality)

Policy implications

The cost for realisation of a first and a very big and important step towrds this view would not very high (limited to 275 million Euro) compared with the benefits obtanied:

  • The Baltic Link would fulfill the EU's White Paper on Transport Policy - time to decide. A priority of the European transport policy is to develop alternatives to road transports and to relieve the transport load in congested parts of the system;
  • Would combine the different TEN-systems in the area of the Baltic Se, where there are still missing links;
  • Would combine the new member states within EU with the old ones and, in a much better way, take advantage of the increasing common market;
  • Would enlarge the existing labour markets in the region and, by that, facilitate the fullfilment of a common market in the area of Baltic Sea and the whole EU.

Main results within the project show that:

  • With a minor infrastructure measure package to a relative low investment cost a well functional transport in southern Sweden could be realised. This system will have good transnational links to the bigger European TEN-systtem and to the neighbouring countries around the Baltic Sea;
  • The biggest effects are reached with measures on the railway, both regarding labour market expanding and goods transportation (intermodality).




Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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