The objective of the project is to work out a summary of procedures and methods for identifying general measures to increase road safety.
Entry for the derivation of general measures were analysed both domestic and foreign proceedings from practice and from the literature. From the activities of cantonal and municipal police forces, the advisory activities of the BFU and the IVT further insights into methods to derive general measures could be found.
Entry for method of deriving local measures a great abundance in the literature new date is available. There were also over 20 years of experience the Zurich cantonal police, backed by 30 years of experience of the IVT at ETH Zurich and the BFU.
The research project worked out on the one hand the methods and procedures for the disposal of general measures, because of analyses show the number of accidents and to assess. On the other hand, the methods and procedures of rehabilitation technology (rehabilitation basic phrases, restructuring measures) represent and evaluate.
From the research project the following objectives within the framework of the results were achieved:
- Compilation of procedures and methods to derive general measures to improve road safety
- Derivation of priorities (abnormalities) in accidents and related measures
- Derivation of appropriate / necessary inquiries by police
- Derivation of purposive police checks (measures)
- Derive lessons for the adaptation of legal provisions and technical standards
The results point to the processes and methods and to give concrete examples of the measures.
- Use / application of known methods of standards SN 640 010 Strass Enver-traffic accidents, accident analysis, short, hazard and risk analysis
- Compilation of the procedure to derive concrete measures from the local accident analysis by accident types (method Kapo Zurich) for the location-based application
- Measures for routes (lines, nodes)
- Measures for junctions
- Measures for crossings
- Method of check on road safety projects (safety audits)
- Method for the determination of local measures (transport connections, structurally)
- Determining the level of safety
- Examination of the homogeneity of risk Masses
- Traffic related accident analysis (according to SN 640 010)
- Remediation programs
Other results
Lindenmann, H.P., Doerfel, M., Weissert, M., Huber, Ch.A., Allenbach, R.: Unfallauswertung: Statistik, Auswertung und Analyse von Strassenverkehrsunfällen, Massnahmen. Schlussbericht, VSS FP 1997/054, Oktober 2003