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Test of readiness for public participation in shaping an active road safety and performance measurement of the cost of road accidents and collisions on the road network in Poland at the end of 2014 years, along with a correlation of test results WTP

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STRIA Roadmaps
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Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport



The aim of the project was to determine the propensity of Poles to pay for reduction of their risk of death and poor quality of life due to road accidents.


The valuation of the cost of road accidents in Poland as for 2014 was performed by capital and restitution (PANDORA method). The PANDORA method is based on the valuation of the total cost, and the three unitary cost categories of traffic events:

  •  unit costs of fatalities;
  •  unit costs of victims slightly and seriously injured;
  •  unit costs of material losses.
  • The PANDORA method of valuation is composed of the following categories of costs generated by the elementary traffic incidents:
  •  costs of police and rescue;
  •  costs of services and funeral;
  •  hospitalisation costs;
  •  costs of criminal proceedings;
  •  costs of compensation;
  •  material losses;
  •  economic losses to the country.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Krajowa Rada Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


In 2014, the cost of all traffic events in Poland were estimated at 48.6 billion zlotys, including:

 costs of road accidents amounted to 34.8 billion;

 costs of road accidents amounted to 13.8 billion.

The total cost of road accidents and collisions in 2014 in Poland amounted to 2.81% of GDP 2014 of the country. The size and structure of the costs of road accidents depend directly on the impact of these events, which are differentiated due to their duration and type from the most serious, such as the fatality and permanent disability, to the most trivial as a minor damage of the vehicle.

Policy objectives

The project set a base for implementation of measurement decreasing the risk of road accidents with fatalities or severe injuries. 


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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