The TEMGIR project was for the design and development of Thermal and Electrical Mock-ups for the validation of the thermal behaviour in the electrical air systems architecture at aircraft level.
TEMGIR will provide a thermal model of an aircraft with both electrical and thermal behaviour, which will be able to develop any relevant condition and scenarios within the different flight phases. The TEMGIR has a thermal response based on its power supply which will be governed and monitored by the Control and Monitoring SW System. TEMGIR SW will let loading equipment profile and a flight scenario in order to simulate behaviours during flight phase with special situations and location in aircraft.
Executive Summary:
During the TEMGIR project, a test rig was developed to aim validation of Thermal Management architectures. It includes several devices which emulate the thermal and electrical behaviour of real aircraft equipment, which can be combined with real equipment to perform validation test of the whole architecture.
The first developed package is a Power Distribution Centre. It includes electronic power sources to avoid using real aircraft electrical generators. Four outputs voltages are available:
• 28VDC up to 20kW
• 115Vac 400Hz up to 100kVA
• 230Vac 400Hz up to 50kVA
• +/-270VDC up to 225kW
The Power Distribution Centre also includes cabinets which distribute this energy into several protected outputs according to their demanding. Remotely they can be switched on/off and their consumption can be monitored.
There is a package specifically for the thermal behaviour. It consists on 8 manufactured Heat Loads which emulate the desired profile of up to 2000W electrical losses each one. They have been manufactured with a selected form factor to emulate as real as possible the heat transfer at real devices. They can be air forced of liquid cooled as desired.
Another 8 units have been manufactured of Electrical Active Loads, which is the package that emulates the electrical behaviour. They have been manufactured as 19’ sub-racks allocated in portable 60x80x200cm cabinets. Each unit can follow a specific current demanding profile up to 20kW using as voltage input the available ones at Power Distribution Centre.
One of the key points of TEMGIR is to be a green test rig. To achieve this, the energy used for the Electrical Loads is recycled thanks to the Building Regeneration Module package. It returns the consumed power to the network as standard 3Ph 400V 50Hz that is completely used inside the TEMGIR, closing a loop where high power demanding devices are tested losing only the internal efficiency but not the full energy flow.
All previous devices are merged as a whole test rig by the Control and Monitoring Software package, which drivers all devices, records their values and commands profiles. It implements an Ethernet based protocol for all signals to be integrated in with a remote Control Room.