The situation at the outset was the following:
To handle facilities of high traffic intensity (VE), traffic contingency models (FM, FLM) are increasingly offered among other means such as car park regulations. It’s recommended by corporately acquired guidelines of FOEN and ARE to make use of traffic contingency models (FM, FLM) in order to coordinate urban and transportation development.
The research study gathers first experiences with traffic contingency models (FM, FLM) and analyses case studies. The study highlights the purposes of the individual models, on which legal requirements they are based upon, what they consist of in detail and what kind of regulations they contain. The research team describes and summarises what they consider the strengths and weaknesses of each model for the planning, implementation and operation stages of a project.
Approved method on the level of objects:
The application of FM at the level of a single VE or at clearly defined developing areas (such as New-Oerlikon and EbiSquare) is appropriate for the control of local impacts on road network capacities and the environment. In addition, an FM enables flexible utilization of parking supply. In this way, a FM allows the realization of VE’s at locations, which are well suited from an urban planning point of view, but which suffer from heavy pollution and traffic. Another valuable characteristic of FM’s is the cooperative planning process, which helps to achieve an agreed upon solution.
Traffic contingency models are a valid alternative to conventional usage regulations and limitations of parking supply. They allow for flexible adaptations to the specific situations in terms of complying with traffic and environmental limitations. Due to the limited experience which the usage of such modals, no final conclusions on their validity can be drawn at this point. The research team does not recommend the application of traffic contingency models for objects with low traffic intensity. The expenditure for a sustainable and effective controlling would be too big.
For objects with high traffic intensity, FM and FML have broad acceptance as an extension to standard planning instruments. Hence, the conclusions of this study are being summarized in form of postulates. These postulates are meant as recommendations for prospective users of such models.
The definition of the traffic generation ceiling is the central task of all FMs and FMLs. The definition of the traffic generation ceiling has to take the environmental condition the road system capacity into account. It is imperative to achieve equilibrium between the maximal traffic generation allowance and the planned usage (floor space) under consideration of the future local conditions. Obvious disparities between usage and traffic generation ceiling have to be avoided. In addition standardized guidelines should be achieved across communities and canton borders.