The Ministry of Communications and Works of the Cyprus Government, being concerned over the impact of traffic congestion on the quality of life of the people living, working or visiting the greater Nicosia Area and the adverse impact on the environment and the economy as a whole, has invited Cyprus Specialist Consultants in collaboration with Foreign Specialist Consultants to undertake a Study of Traffic Management in the Nicosia Urban Area and an Enhancement of Public Transport serving the area of Nicosia
The Study was a two-pronged task, which resulted in proposals on Traffic Management and Private and Public Transport Organizational and Management Policies including Parking, which would help improve mobility and alleviation of traffic congestion and so reduce travel time, with a 10-year time horizon in mind. It equally provides proposals and measures for the enhancement and development of Public Transport and Rideshare systems for the Nicosia urban area, that would upgrade these services and meet transportation needs and levels in a co-ordinated, integrated, efficient and effective manner
As to be able to analyse the prevailing situation, the Consultants carried out a full analysis of the large amount of data the Ministry provided to them. In addition they carried out a massive number of Surveys which are listed below:
- Pedestrian Surveys
- Public Transport Surveys
- Origin Destination Surveys of bus passengers
- Interview Surveys of bus passengers
- Bus Speed Surveys
- Taxi Origin Destination Surveys
- Parking Surveys
- Private Car Count Surveys
- Interview Surveys of Private Car Drivers and Passengers
- Speed Surveys of Private Cars
- Conflict Surveys at Road Junctions
- Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
- Private Consultations with Government and Municipal Officials
- Stated Preference Surveys
- Attitude Surveys
After an intensive study of the Investigation Area it is clear that the increase of the trips and the car ownership cannot be met without structural changes and an improvement of the public transport. The structure of Nicosia needs to be urgently adjusted as to allow the public transport to access new and existing developments in a more efficient way.
In the future the big trip producers will still be Nicosia and Strovolos. The modal split needs to be adjusted to provide a more balanced sharing between Private Car and Public Transport or some other means of transport (walking, Cycling).
Measures must be introduced to reduce the car traffic needs to the necessary trips. Additionally the missing tangential routes need to be provided as early as possible. This east - west connection roads are a most imperative need to provide solutions that will offer the opportunity for as much traffic as possible not to travel via the CBD.
The introduction of an adequate schedule and timetable at all bus stops is a must, together with the need to improve the public transport – especially the introduction of bus priority schemes.
On the other hand a certain restriction of the car traffic needs to take place together with a clearer definition of the functions of the different roads in the network. The minimal parking requirements for new buildings needs to be enforced very strictly and for the future, additional off-street car parks need to be provided.