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TSE Outward Facing Research: Managing Integration

United Kingdom
United Kingdom Flag
Complete with results
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues


Background & Policy context

This commission was let as a portfolio of research projects covering a range of topic areas, with the general aim of updating the HA's policies and practices in line with the agenda introduced by the 1998 Integrated Transport White Paper.


The principal objective of the commission was 'to increase the HA's understanding of both the potential and the practicality of integrating different transport modes and land-use in a more sustainable manner within the context of the Trunk Road network'.

Fourteen sub-projects were initially defined, from which a number of specific areas of research were developed.

Topic areas included:

  • appraisal techniques,
  • working in partnership with other bodies,
  • school travel,
  • freight,
  • design-related issues
  • landscape/habitat fragmentation.



Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


A very wide range of work has been carried out. Outputs have included the following:

1. In the area of 'Appraisal', production of the DMRB-GOMMMS Bridging Document, Strategic Plans for Accessibility and Integration, updated guidance on RMS, and research reports considering valuation of environmental criteria, accident rate prediction and regeneration issues.

2. Development of guidance in relation to design issues, including four documents relating to Non-Motorised Users (NMUs) for inclusion within DMRB.

3. Guidance and research reports on environmental issues, including a compendium of \'green bridges\' and other activity to support delivery of UK biodiversity targets and COST341.

4. Feasibility studies for trials of park-and-ride and related initiatives on or adjacent to the HA network, as well as guidance for HA staff on these issues.

5. Development of an on-line guide to freight for HA staff.

6. Development of guidance on involving the public in transport decision-making.

7. Feasibility studies to investigate the impact of educational travel on the HA network, and development of guidance for HA staff on school travel issues. Some of the above activity lends itself to further work beyond the end of the commission, often due to the need for documents to be taken through a lengthy approval process.

Policy implications

This is a key integration theme research project, and the principal objective of its commission was 'to increase understanding of both the potential and the practicality of integrating different transport modes and land-use in a more sustainable manner within the context of the Trunk Road network'. Topic areas included appraisal techniques, working in partnership with other bodies, school travel, freight, design-related issues landscape/habitat fragmentation. 

This project therefore contributes to knowledge in the integration sub themes relating specifically to:

  • policy features, especially in relation to the improvement of conditions for interoperability and
    the reduction of no-technical barriers (harmonisation);

  • infrastructure features, which includes minimising impact of physical boundary conditions for interoperability between track and terminal;

  • operational features such as compatibility of means and components of operation;

  • organisational features such as the creation of coherent organisational concepts and strategies for interoperability; and

  • information technologies which have a function to provide safe and efficient interoperability. 

In particular, the sub-themes of relevance include:

  • development control and land use planning to increase accessibility;

  • incorporation of equity and accessibility into analytical techniques; and

  • transport for the disabled, non drivers, and other disadvantaged groups. 



Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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