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Updating of the UIC Leaflet 421 Page TR 05

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Geo-spatial type
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Upd Leaf 421
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Rail icon
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport



The aim of the project is for UIC Leaflet 421 to take into account the changed economic conditions brought about by the increase of permissible total train weight to > 1,200 t for cross-border traffic in the European Union (EU). This shall be achieved by amending the train consist rules currently set out in UIC Leaflet 421 to include total train weights > 1,200 t. For this purpose a method needs to be developed which enables the influential parameters (track radius, incline, train length and weight, etc.) to be taken into account.


These steps were provided:

1. Determination of  new values for total train weights in UIC Leaflet 421

2. Holding of  a final discussion on the international approval of a general method for determining the probability of derailment for freight trains.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Non-profit organisation
Institution Name
UIC - Union Internationale des Chemins de fer
Type of funding


The leaflet 421 sets the requirements for the composition and braking of cross border freight trains according to their braking regime and maximum speed, in order to speed up operations at borders and transfer points.

A method for the statistical analysis of the safety level of new train compositions in comparison with the existing safety level, supported by LCF (longitudinal compressive force) software, is described in Appendix B. The goal of this method is to create an harmonised approach for the definition of composition rules across Europe and the corresponding authorisation at a national level.

Innovation aspects

Amendment of the train consist rules in UIC Leaflet 421 to include total train weights > 1,200 t.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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