In Switzerland liquid polymer (FLK) was used only in few bridge sealing applications, because of lack of basic knowledge and positive experience. In 1980s, various cases of damage of waterproofing membranes with liquid polymer could have been likewise reasons for refuse of FLK. However in some cases the causes are not fully known. With the development of the Swiss Standard SN 640450 the waterproofing system with FLK was acccepted after intensive discussions, which clearly showed that the standardisation work was difficult because of the large lack of knowledge.
In this work the state of the art for bridge sealings with liquid polymer will be determined with respect to existing requirements, positive and negative experiences, test methods, standards and guidelines. It focusses on knowledge gaps and research needs in Switzerland and abroad. The national and international state of the art of waterproofing of concrete bridge decks with FLK will be also summarized.
Study of literature from national and international sources and evaluation. Survey among public authorities, associations, institutes, manufacturers and system suppliers in Switzerland and abroad.
National and international state of the art of waterproofing of concrete bridge decks with FLK is summarized.
Sivotha Hean, Manfred Partl, A. Bernhard: Brückenabdichtungen mit Flüssigkunststoff: Sachstandsbericht; Forschungsauftrag AGB2002/022 auf Antrag der Arbeitsgruppe Brückenforschung (AGB), VSS, 2006