The Action covers the introduction and testing of new and innovative concept and technology by converting two existing complex RoPax ships - originally driven by marine gasoil - to plug-in all electric powered operation using exclusively batteries. Thus the project supports the development of clean Motorways of the Sea, by testing and deploying new technological solutions in real operational conditions. The Action will have wider benefits since it addresses the current needs in the maritime transport for greening operations, and developing alternative fuels and emission abatement technologies.
The global project covers conceptual, operational and capital investment measures required to upgrade the environmental and economic performance as well as service quality of four existing combined freight and passenger (RoPax) short sea shipping services connecting Denmark with Sweden. The highly innovative approach will eliminate exhaust gasses and reduce emission of green-house gas (approx. 13,500 tons of CO2 per ship and year) but also noise from the maritime/ port operations.
The Action will upgrade environmentally a very busy maritime link, connecting the comprehensive TEN-T network ports of Helsingör (Denmark) and Helsingborg (Sweden). To this end, two existing complex RoPax ships - originally driven by marine gasoil, will be converted to plug-in all electric powered operation using batteries, which are charged with onshore electricity.
Although the project does not directly belong to the Scandinavia-Mediterranean TEN-T core network corridor, it is closely linked to the stretches of the main road and rail network of Southern Sweden and the region of Zealand in Denmark. Both ferry terminals are located in densely populated areas, where improvements in air quality are important. In conjunction with the ship fitting, the required power provision and charging installations in the ports' ferry terminals will be realized. In order to enable the batteries-only-system on ferries, it is imperative that an electric shore connection is established without delay as soon as the ferry has been moored in the ferry berth. The aim is to use green power supply for pilot ship operations.