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Cycle Education - get on yer bikes!

Event date
STRIA Roadmaps
Low-emission alternative energy for transport (ALT)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Become a change agent and support the systemic shift to more cycling by learning about successful cycling innovations and change management. This course is about understanding how to support a systemic shift to more cycling. We have the tools and the good examples, but how can we contextualise them, communicate about the need and support the shift to more cycling-friendly planning?

About the course

Many cities want to increase their cycling modal share as a part of the shift towards sustainable low-carbon transport systems. Not only does cycling provide benefits in terms of reduced carbon emissions compared to other modes of transport, but it also provides significant health benefits, more liveable urban areas, better use of urban space than cars etc. At the same time, cycling is still not accepted as a serious mode of transport, and it is difficult to foster the systemic change required to shift from car-centric planning to people-centric planning with appropriate place for cyclists. This course addresses these issues and supports you in how to foster the move away from car-centric planning and towards more people-friendly planning with a focus on cycling.

Two different occasions

The course takes part during two occasions at two different locations, one in the Öresund region (Lund and Copenhagen) and one in the Netherlands (Utrecht or Amsterdam), including study visits, seminars and workshops.

NOTE! The course takes place during two sessions on 2 days. The participants should attend both sessions to get the most out of the course and the specific workshop format. However, it is possible that two persons from one organisation could go to one session each.

10th of September, Lund, Sweden 11th of September, Copenhagen, Denmark


16th of October, Utrecht, The Netherlands 17th of October, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Target group

The target group for the course are those involved in the cycling innovation community, including public authority representatives, cycling project initiators, consultants and researchers.