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R&D Expenditure

R&I projects

R&I projects by STRIA Roadmap

Evolution of daily funding by mode (Eur)

Top 5 beneficiaries

Distribution of R&I projects by transport mode

Number of projects by funding origin

Distribution of EU funding by transport mode

More data and details can be found in the TRIMIS DASHBOARD

The key document that sets out Slovenia’s research strategy is the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act, which came into force at the beginning of 2022. This law provides for the organisation of the scientific research and innovation system, scientific research activities and the financing, organisation, implementation and control of scientific research activities.

Another key document is Slovenia’s Development Strategy 2030 which highlights the importance of a competitive business and research sector as part of a wider development plan across the next decade. It lays out several steps to achieve this objective which includes promoting the development of science and research in priority areas and to promote the social and environmental responsibility of businesses and research organisations.

The Resolution on the Slovenian Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 (ReZrIS30) is a key strategic document for research, development, and innovation which serves as a basis for policy-making in the areas of social, economic and sustainable development and societal challenges.

Transport research in Slovenia is based on the National Research policy and transport research policy and planning documents.


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESS) is responsible for preparing the national research and development programme. The Ministry is also responsible for defining the research policy, national priorities and for supporting bilateral and multilateral cooperation and targeted research programmes. Technology development and innovation activities are organised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT).

SRIP Smart Cities and Communities has been a major driving force behind the establishment of the Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia, which is designed as a central national one-stop-shop to help Slovenian companies to become more competitive with regard to their processes, products or services using digital technologies and raise awareness of the benefits of digitalisation.

Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia  is the first document to deal with the transport system in a comprehensive manner, thus enabling greater synergies in achieving the objectives of transport and spatial policies of the state and of other policies, and greater control of the impact of transport on the environment and the economy.

The Council for Science and Technology served as an expert advisory body to the Government between 2015 and 2020 by monitoring and evaluating the national research programme and advising on laws, regulations and administrative provisions in the field of research.

All information about Slovenian R&D is available on the Slovenia Current Research Information System (SICRIS). This is a national register which incorporates information on R&D institutions, researchers, projects and research results.

The responsibility of designing and implementing transport policy is held by the Ministry of Infrastructure with close cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

There are three key instruments for public funding in Slovenia:

  • Research Programmes

  • Infrastructure Programmes

  • Founding Obligations - This funding stream covers indirect research and infrastructure costs incurred by public research institutes.

The principal body responsible for funding transport research (and all other research) is the Slovenian Research Agency. This independent public funding organisation implements tasks related to the National Research and Development Programme and the creation of a European Research Area. The agency is also responsible for awarding grants for national programmes and projects and for promoting research and science in Slovenia. 

Additional financing is provided through EU funding and international programmes, as well as private funding. Transport research can be financed by any of these streams, as well as targeted research programmes.


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

National transport programmes include:

International research and development cooperation programmes and partnerships of the European Union relevant to Slovenia are:

  • European Research Council (ERC) Complementary Stream: Provides an opportunity for funding to applicants from Slovenian research programmes who were not selected for ERC funding but were positively evaluated
  • EEA and Norway Grants: In 2018 Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway signed new cooperation agreements with Slovenia on several new programmes
  • European Research Area cooperation Networks (ERA-Nets)
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

Latest projects

Slovenian development potential in transport research

Original Language Title
Razvoj slovenskih potencialov na področju raziskav v prometu
Funding Source
Public Funding - 1. Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Research Agency) 2. Ministry of Transport of Republic of Slovenia
STRIA Roadmaps
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Deployment planning/Financing/Market roll-out,
Environmental/Emissions aspects,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport
Geo-spatial type
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