R&D Expenditure
R&I projects
R&I projects by STRIA Roadmap
Evolution of daily funding by mode (Eur)
Top 5 beneficiaries
Distribution of R&I projects by transport mode
Number of projects by funding origin
Distribution of EU funding by transport mode
More data and details can be found in the TRIMIS DASHBOARD
In Luxembourg research and innovation policy follows multi-year planning. The policy background and strategy is outlined in the 'National Plan for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth' as well as in the 'Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3)’ both published by the government. The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) have also published their 'FNR Strategy and Action Plan 2022–25'. Further, the Government of Luxembourg has published a National Plan for a Green, Digital and Inclusive Transition which outlines how the government intends to strengthen links between business and research with the intention that this feeds into the sustainable mobility strategy.
The key interdisciplinary research priority areas for Luxembourg are:
- Industrial and service transformation;
- 21st century education;
- Personalized healthcare;
- Sustainable and responsible development.
Transport research does not currently have a specific strategy; however it is covered in the government's National Plan above. In addition, the ‘National Research Priorities for Luxembourg in 2020 and beyond’ includes transport under one of the four interdisciplinary research priority areas within ‘Sustainable and Responsible Development’, specifically covered under ‘Sustainable urban development and smart cities’.
(Last updated: 01/09/2023)
Research in Luxembourg is headed at a political level by a Parliamentary Committee and the Higher Committee for Research and Innovation, chaired by the Ministers for Higher Education and Research and of the Economy. These ministries are responsible for implementing the policy and strategic objectives established by the Committee:
- The Ministry of the Economy (ME) is responsible for the private sector;
- The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) is responsible for the public sector.
The Ministries are supported by two agencies:
- The National Research Fund (FNR) - oversees funding for public sector research and advises the Luxembourg government on research policy and strategy;
- National Agency for Innovation and Research (Luxinnovation) - works with private sector researchers.
The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organisation active in fields including the environment and materials.
Responsibility for developing transport policy within Luxembourg lies with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works.
A summary of research funding opportunities in Luxembourg is available on the Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research.
A joint initiative exists between the main actors in Luxembourg public research, Research Luxembourg, with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Funding for transport research can be obtained mainly through the general research financing framework, and EU and international programmes. There are several national research programmes, but they mainly focus on the research priorities established in the National Research Priorities for Luxembourg, approved by the government.
The National Research Fund (FNR) also supports accompanying measures, which fund conferences, training of researchers and scientific publications. In most cases, transport research is funded through international and EU funds, such as Horizon Europe.
(Last updated: 01/09/2023)
Currently ongoing funding sources include:
- Luxembourg National Research Fond (FNR) – is the main funder of research activities in Luxembourg invests public funds and private donations into research projects in various branches, including transport.
- Investing in a smarter and greener Europe (2021-2027) - the programme encourages investments in digitalisation and new technologies.
- INTER Programme – a key funding instrument to foster international collaboration working with bi- or multilateral projects.
- INTER mobility programme – promotes exchange between research groups from public research institutions in Luxembourg and leading research groups abroad.
- ATTRACT Programme - enables the recruitment of high potential researchers and strengthens research areas of strategic importance to Luxembourg.
- PEARL Programme (2008 – ongoing) – a key instrument for FNR’s strategy to strengthen Luxembourg’s research environment by investing in human resources, institutional development and capacity building in priority research domains.
- Operational Programme ERDF Luxembourg 2014-2020 - aims to contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, including encouraging a low carbon economy (renewable energies and sustainable multimodal urban mobility).
(Last updated: 01/09/2023)