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R&I projects

R&I projects by STRIA Roadmap

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Distribution of R&I projects by transport mode

Number of projects by funding origin

Distribution of EU funding by transport mode

More data and details can be found in the TRIMIS DASHBOARD

Transport research in Poland is defined by the National Programme for Scientific and Research & Development (R&D) activities and by a range of national transport policy documents.

In general, current research policy goals focus on implementing science sector reform packages:

  • Implementation of the Building on Knowledge reform;
  • Implementation of the reforms to the higher education system;
  • Launch of the new National Research Programme;
  • Elaboration of the long-term innovation strategy.

Policy priorities in thematic research were established in the Programme for Scientific Research and Development, for a five to ten year period. They comprise:

  • Society in conditions of secure, dynamic and sustainable socio-economic development;
  • Health;
  • Energy and infrastructure;
  • New technologies for the economy;
  • Environment and agriculture.

In each area, the National Programme formulates Strategic Research and Development Programmes to be implemented with a perspective of three to five years.

The latest National Research programme was launched in 2011 in response to challenges set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy, an updated document is yet to be published but is expected. This strategic document provides a framework for developing and funding research. Transport related topics are integrated in the research areas 'Energy and Infrastructure' and 'New Technologies for National Economy'.

The transport policy framework is determined by several general strategic documents of national importance and key industry documents on the development of specific transport modes. The 2017 Strategy for responsible development, among other goals, indicates the way in which changes in mobility should be achieved in the perspective by 2020 and 2030. Other strategic historic documents related to transport research include:


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

Organisations of the innovation system in Poland include:

  • governmental bodies which set policy directions,
  • intermediary bodies of the public sector which act as intermediaries between governments and research organisations,
  • research-performing organisations (universities and higher education institutions), research institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and branch R&D units which concentrate more on applied research,
  • private organisations.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) is the policy maker for research and innovation in Poland. In defining transport-related research priorities, the Ministry is supported by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, and the Ministry of Environment. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education regularly conducts evaluations and certification of all national scientific and R&D units.

The two executive agencies have also been established:

These centres are fully operational and support research and development in Poland.

The Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Research Institutions is an advisory body to the Minister of Science and Higher Education and carries out comprehensive assessments of scientific research and development or research units according to international standards, along with the Scientific Policy Committee. The Main Council of Research Institutes (RGIB) represents the interests of the Polish research institutes to the state and local government authorities and to the scientific, economic and public organisations. 

Transport research is funded on a horizontal project-based approach. Research is funded under public funding in the National Programme for research and development and by private sources. All transport research projects financed by the National Programme are registered in a project database, which is maintained by the Information Processing Centre

Projects funded by private organisations are mainly industry-applied projects. Private-public funding schemes are also available.


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

Organisations responsible for the institutional framework and funding:

Current programmes related to transport include:

  • European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 - the biggest national infrastructural programme supported by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund in the EU. It focuses on the challenges of the European Green Deal by co-financing investments that contribute to transition of Poland to a green economy. This transition encompasses sectors like energy, transport, environment, health and culture sectors.

  • The European Funds for Eastern Poland 2021-2027 - The main objective of the programme are consolidation of conditions conducive to economic competitiveness and a higher quality of life in Eastern Poland regions; strengthening economic and social potential of the Eastern Poland regions; and continuation of trans-regional investments in the key areas which are complementary to the support available from other national and regional programmes.

Historic national funding programmes related to transport include:


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

Latest projects

Development of standards of conduct in relations with stakeholders in the planning and implementation of road and rail infrastructure projects

Original Language Title
Opracowanie standardów postępowania w relacjach z interesariuszami w procesie planowania i realizacji projektów infrastruktury drogowej i kolejowej
Funding Source
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
STRIA Roadmaps
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Rail icon
Transport sectors
Passenger transport
Geo-spatial type
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Methodology of the risk classification for some types of road accidents in provinces and districts together with making classification and presentation of results in maps

Original Language Title
Metodologia klasyfikacji ryzyka dla wybranych rodzajów wypadków drogowych na drogach wojewódzkich oraz dla obszarów województw i powiatów wraz z dokonaniem klasyfikacji i przedstawieniem wyników na mapach
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport
Geo-spatial type
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Test of readiness for public participation in shaping an active road safety and performance measurement of the cost of road accidents and collisions on the road network in Poland at the end of 2014 years, along with a correlation of test results WTP

Original Language Title
Badanie gotowości udziału społeczeństwa w czynnym kształtowaniu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz wykonanie wyceny kosztów wypadków i kolizji drogowych na sieci dróg w Polsce na koniec 2014 roku wraz z korelacją z wynikami badania WTP
STRIA Roadmaps
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport
Geo-spatial type
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The methodology of systematic research of behaviour of pedestrians and relationship between pedestrians and drivers with carrying out pilot studies

Original Language Title
Metodologia systematycznych badań zachowań pieszych i relacji pieszykierowca wraz z przeprowadzeniem badań pilotażowych
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport
Geo-spatial type
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