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R&D Expenditure

R&I projects

R&I projects by STRIA Roadmap

Evolution of daily funding by mode (Eur)

Top 5 beneficiaries

Distribution of R&I projects by transport mode

Number of projects by funding origin

Distribution of EU funding by transport mode

More data and details can be found in the TRIMIS DASHBOARD

Two key documents establish the background for research in Italy: the National Reform Programme (2020) and the New National Research Programme 2021-2027. The New National Research Programme 2021-2027 revolves around nine system priorities:

  • Invest in young people
  • Strengthen fundamental research and encourage interdisciplinary research
  • Promote internationalization
  • Enhance the circulation of knowledge between research and the production system
  • Support the widespread growth of the research system
  • Ensure the centrality of the individual in innovation
  • Ensure shared governance at national
  • European and international level
  • Explore new research horizons.

Strategy related specifically to transport research is covered under the sustainable mobility, aerospace and energy areas of the National Research Programme. Other key documents include:


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

The political level for R&D policies is the Parliament and the Council of Ministries. The highest level of Science and Technology policy coordination is with the Inter-Ministry Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE). 

At operational level, the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) coordinates national and international scientific activities, distributes funding to universities and research agencies, and establishes the procedures for funding public and private research, and technological development. The Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) supports and manages industrial innovation. Other Ministries manage research funding in their specific fields.

There are two bodies with advisory tasks:

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest scientific public organisation of Italy and its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.

Transport policy is developed and implemented by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports

Transport research is funded through the general research framework and through programmes dedicated to transport. To promote larger R&D investment and to stimulate R&D projects in the private sector, the Italian State supports companies through grants and loans. These include the Fund for Applied Research managed by the Ministry for Education, University and Research, and the Fund for Technological Innovation managed by the Ministry of Productive Activities.


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

There are several thematic programmes, which fund research on transport related topics. These include: 

  • Fund for the National Research Programme (NRP) and Research Projects of significant National Interest (PRIN)- Strengthen support for scientific research through the National Research Fund (FNR) in various strategic environments. In particular the fields of intervention will be those of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027: health; human sciences and social transformations; safety for social systems; digital, industry and aerospace; climate, energy and sustainable transportation; food, bio-economy, natural resources, agriculture, environment.
  • NP Metro+ and southern medium cities 2021-2027 - supports the territories of 14 metropolitan cities in Italy. Funding is allocated to measures in the sectors of digital services for citizens, social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, energy efficiency, green infrastructure, public buildings and support for sustainable mobility. 
  • National Operational Programme on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 - covers EU funding to the less developed and transition regions of Italy, including strengthening research, technological development and innovation.
  • National Operational Programme on Enterprises and Competitiveness- covers EU funding to the less developed and transition regions of Italy, including supporting a shift towards a low carbon economy.
  • Interreg V-A - Italy-France (Maritime)- promotes entrepreneurship, a safer environment, the valorisation of natural and cultural resources, sustainable mobility and social inclusion through economic development. At the same time, it addresses climate change issues, connection of secondary and tertiary nodes to the TEN-T network and joint training schemes in the cross-border area.

Other more specific regional programmes related to transport include:


(Last updated: 01/09/2023)

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Automated Laser Scanner Operations

EU Contribution
€475 927
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)
Transport mode
Waterborne icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects,
Societal/Economic issues,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport
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URBan Electronic LOGistics

Funding Source
RBeLOG is a SMART-CITY project co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) under the Program “SMART CITIES and Communities and Social Innovation”. Funding: 7.845.000 €
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Freight transport
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