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Call for papers now open for the 2025 Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit


The French Aerospace Society (3AF) will host their International Summit titled "Towards Sustainable Aviation (TSAS)", in Toulouse from 28 to 30 January 2025. The Summit will gather together experts from around the world to discuss both aircraft design and operations. It aims to help shape a more efficient global air transport system, while contributing to the overarching goal for the industry to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. 

The first edition of TSAS in 2022 attracted 200 experts from 16 countries, featuring presentation, technical sessions, and roundtable discussions. 

The TSAS is now accepting abstract submissions for the Summit. The Programme Committee are looking for abstracts that highlight the importance, originality and relevance to the conference themes: eco-design aircraft and operations. Selected papers will be presented in a 20-minute session at the Summit, including a Q&A. 

Follow this link for more information or to submit an abstract.