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EGUM adopts new recommendations for urban public transport


The Commission’s Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM) has adopted recommendations to enhance public transport by integrating shared mobility and leveraging the Social Climate Fund (SCF). These recommendations target the European Commission, Member States, and regional and local authorities.

As journeys from suburban and rural areas to cities increase, EGUM highlights the need to combine shared mobility with public transport to provide a viable alternative to private cars. Key recommendations include improving infrastructure, safety, public space redistribution, digital transport data integration, and promoting multimodality. In their recommendations publication, they also highlight successful initiatives across the EU, such as concessionary fares, bike loan schemes, car scrapping subsidies, and extended bus routes, which other regions may adopt.

EGUM serves as a platform for implementing the new EU urban mobility framework. Future recommendations will focus on funding, sustainability, urban vehicle access, mobility planning, urban logistics, active mobility, and safety for vulnerable road users.

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