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EU announces record €7 billion investment in sustainable transport infrastructure


The European Commission has allocated a record €7 billion from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to 134 transport projects, marking the largest funding round under the current CEF Transport programme. This investment aims to enhance the EU's transport infrastructure, focusing on climate objectives by improving railways, inland waterways, and maritime routes along the trans-European transport (TEN-T) network.

Key areas of funding include:

  • Rail Projects: 80% of the total funding will go towards major cross-border rail projects, such as Rail Baltica in the Baltic region, the Lyon-Turin line between France and Italy, and the Fehmarnbelt tunnel connecting Denmark and Germany.
  • Maritime Ports: Upgrades will be made to ports in various EU countries, enabling features like shore-side electricity for ships and renewable energy transport.
  • Inland Waterways: Improvements will focus on connections between France and Belgium, and Romania and Bulgaria, along with enhancements to inland ports in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.
  • Road Transport: Funding will support Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and new parking areas to improve safety.
  • Air Traffic Management: Projects will advance the Single European Sky initiative for more efficient and sustainable air transport.
  • EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes: Investments will enhance road and rail infrastructure at border points between Ukraine and neighboring EU countries, and integrate the Ukrainian railway system with the EU.

Following approval by Member States, the Commission will finalize the financing decisions, and grant agreements will be prepared by CINEA. The results remain provisional until the official award decision is made.