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Horizon 2020: new Work Programme supports research for a greener and more competitive European transport system


On 13 October 2015, the European Commission adopted the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016 and 2017. The programme foresees up to 938 million € in EU funding for transport research and innovation, including calls on "Mobility for Growth" and "Automated Road Transport".
The aim is to drive progress towards a European transport system that is competitive, climate- and environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless for the benefits of the passengers, businesses and society as a whole.
Actions will contribute to creating growth and jobs in the EU as well as to achieving the Energy Union and the Digital Single Market. Specific topics include the development, testing and preparation of roll-out of smarter and greener urban mobility solutions, more efficient and greener logistics, new mobility services, large scale demonstrations of connected driving and the development of resilient and safer transport infrastructure fit for the transition to road automation.
Further information can be found at
Press release  Memo  Participant Portal  Horizon 2020 website