The environmental impacts of heavy-duty vehicles are considerable, both regarding emissions of carbon dioxide and toxic compounds. Especially in urban conditions heavy-duty vehicles contribute to air quality problems. Biofuels for transport are being vividly discussed at the moment. The best biofuel options can reduce both carbon dioxide emissions and toxic emissions.
New information technology systems can provide reduced energy consumption and emissions as well as improved safety for heavy-duty vehicles. In winter conditions, heavy-duty vehicles on slippery roads constitute a big safety risk. Improved safety can be achieved e.g. through eliminating speeding and the development of systems for automatic detection of icy road surfaces and systems for improved stability for heavy vehicle combinations.
The objectives of the new project can be summarised as follows:
To ascertain the true performance of new types of vehicles
- fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions
- development of 'eco-labelling' for heavy-duty vehicles
- efficient implementation of new vehicle technology for Nordic conditions
- optimisation of fuels and lubricants for new engine technology
Development of ITS technology to reduce energy consumption and improve safety and service levels for heavy-duty vehicles.
Improvements in vehicle technology for reduced fuel consumption.
Verification of measures to reduce fuel consumption and information transfer to transport companies, development of various monitoring system, support to national energy saving programs in the transport sector.
Interconnectedness between urban air quality (NO2/PM) and new vehicle technology
Programme structure:
- 5 research organisations
- 10 subprojects
- some 15 sponsors
- a steering group consisting of sponsor representatives
Transport policy context:
- energy efficiency
- environmental impacts
- safety
- support to governmental and municipal decision making
The budget for the year 2006 is 825.000 €. The volume will stay constant over the years, with the exception of procurement of measurement apparatus. The budget for instrumentation is reduced from year to year.
Most important sponsors of the project are:
- Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
- Vehicle Administration
- Ministry of Transport and Communication
- Ministry of Environment (to be confirmed)
- Finnish Road Administration
- Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council
- Helsinki Transport
- Neste Oil
- Other companies and vehicle operators
- Swedish Road Administration
The following research institutes/partners will contribute to the work:
- Technical University of Technology, Automotive Laboratory
- Tampere Technical University, Transport Institute
- Helsinki University, Environmental technology (to be confirmed)
- University of Oulu, Electronics department
- TEC TransEnergy Consulting Ltd, coordination