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Ireland Wales Programme

Programme Type
Funding programme
International (International)
STRIA Roadmaps
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Waterborne icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Environmental/Emissions aspects,
Deployment planning/Financing/Market roll-out
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The Ireland Wales Programme 2007-2013 has an overall aim of addressing issues relating to innovation, entrepreneurship, the knowledge economy, climate change and community regeneration between both countries.

Meaning 'inter-regional', INTERREG is an EU Community Programme that aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion by promoting international and cross-border co-operation.

As the distance between the Irish and Welsh coastlines is less than 150 km, the Ireland Wales Programme is eligible for funding under the cross border strand of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective.

The Ireland Wales Programme 2007-13 differs from its predecessor in that it is a fully fledged Structural Funds Programme.

Strategic Objectives

The Ireland Wales Programme aims to further develop the cross border region by:

  • Improving the overall economic, environmental and social well-being of the Ireland Wales co-operation area;
  • Achieving a more cohesive, balanced and sustainable development of the area;
  • Contributing to the greater competitiveness of the region and that of the EU in a globalised world.

The Programme focuses on co-operation to ensure integrated regional development through common strategies. This Programme is seeking projects that aim to jointly address the challenges laid out in EU, Irish and Welsh policies and have a positive impact on local communities in the cross border area.

Financial assistance is concentrated on two key priorities, common to both countries:

Priority 1: Knowledge, Innovation and Skills for Growth

Development of the knowledge, R&D/innovation and entrepreneurial base of the region's economy and enhancement of its capacity by providing targeted Programmes to develop the skills and abilities of the population and the workforce. This is intended to boost job creation and foster competitiveness.

The priority has two separate but related themes:

  • Innovation and competitiveness
  • Skills for competitiveness and employment integration.

Priority 2: Climate Change and Sustainable Regeneration

Managing physical and natural resources in an environmentally sustainable manner and providing opportunities for those living in the region to renew and sustainably regenerate their communities.

The priority has two separate but related themes:

  • Climate Change and Sustainable Development
  • Sustainable Regeneration of Communities.
Programme organisation

Management of the Ireland Wales Programme will be the responsibility of the Managing Authority under the control of the Programme Monitoring Committee. The Managing Authority shall be responsible for managing and overseeing the implementation of the operational programme in accordance with the principles of sound financial management. The Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee will carry out their monitoring role with reference to financial and programme indicators.

The responsibilities of the Managing Authority in relation to Wales will be laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Managing Authority, Department of Finance and the Welsh Assembly Government. A Joint management structure will be established to manage, co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the Programme. The structure will comprise:

  • A Managing Authority
  • A Certifying Authority
  • A Joint Technical Secretariat
  • A Monitoring Committee
  • Steering Committees.


Type of funding
Public (EU)
Total Budget
EUR 70 Milion
Participating countries
Ireland, Wales (UK)

Projects covered

No projects covered for this programme.


Contact Office
Welsh European Funding Office
CF48 1UZ
Merthyr Tydfil
Programme Website

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