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Second Targeted Programme on Transport

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Italy)
Italy Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)


Background & Policy context

This programme follows a first coordinated programme targeted on transportation systems, that founded the knowledge and the organization of Italian Research teams at International levels, in particular in the fields of scenarios modelling, software tools for transport and traffic management and control, freight transport, vehicles technologies and so on.

Strategic Objectives

Main objectives concerned:
- to give support to central and local public administrations,
- to design innovations at organizational, technical and systems levels,
- to consolidate and improve the expertise of researchers in the sector
- to monitor the state of the international and national research
- to improve the synergy with European and International research programmes
- to promote a training programme for young researchers
- to involve also SME companies in the project
- to diffuse and transfer results of the projects.

Programme organisation

The Programme was managed by an ad hoc structure coordinated by a Direction team (about 30 people), supervised by a Scientific Committee and a Users Council.

The following six subprogrammes were established:
- Transport policy and transport planning tools
- New vehicles
- Support technologies and infrastructure innovations 
- Urban and metropolitan transport systems
- Freight transport systems
- National Prometheus Programme on transport telematics.

Coordinated actions were carried out together with the National Research Council, the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Research.
Diffusion and transfer of research results and international cooperation were organised, and the Italian participation to the Framework Programmes of the European Union was stimulated.
In particular, the Direction of the Project was directly involved in FANTASIE and EXTRA projects.
Moreover, the Direction study group prepared some overviews on the Italian situation about the transport safety, the local public transport and the environment impact of transport systems.


Institution Type
Institution Name
CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council)
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Programme funding arrangements and funding conditions

The total budget of the project was about EUR 90 million, subdivided into the different years and the subprojects, with a cut of 43.5% with respect to the feasibility study approved by the Italian Committee for the Economic Planning.
The industrial funds (about 50% for each industrial project) amounted to about EUR 47 million, that is the 35.8% of the global cost (about EUR 137 million).
The industrial contracts were managed by the Direction team and results evaluated by appointed experts.

Participating countries

Projects covered

No projects covered for this programme.


Dr Maurizio Bielli
Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica (Institute of System Analysis and Informatics) - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council)
Organisation Website

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