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Community Bike Transport System Research

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STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

The project covers a research initiative to explore the potential for cycling in and around Budapest. It means how much people want and / or would be willing to ride a bicycle. An important goal is to determine the potential of this target group on the basis of socio-economic and travel customs, and to find arguments supporting bicycling as an everyday means of transport.


The project examined the reception of the cycling platform and its attractiveness in the context of the research. The research covered Budapest and agglomeration.


The research process consisted of three modules:

- Quantitative survey of representative households about the general traffic patterns and related cycling

- Qualitative survey: a detailed examination of the customs and deeper analysis for the detection of the potential target groups

- a detailed examination of the Public Bike Concept  


  • The community bicycle transport system is supported by inhabitants of the city and agglomeration, however, it depends on characteristics of the trip because the capital city is very complex, with many impact factors.
  • The project looked at the current cycling habits of people living in the Budapest agglomeration. Regional inhabitants are accustomed to ride a bike with some frequency, but quite insignificantly for daily transport purposes. Cycling is more a seasonal and recreational activity.
  • In the field of supporting the good image of cycling, a niche was detected.
  • In the mode choice neither convenience nor the dimensions of speed are related to the cycling.
  • The frequent barriers for cycling are mainly applied to the fact that cyclists require objective criteria for infrastructure development (bike path preferred, certain types of bike storage), but which are not considered to be feasible for truly rational expectations.
  • The community cycling system is essential part of the structure of measures supporting cycling in Budapest.

Policy objectives

The project serves as a database for the sustainable transport policy of the region.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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