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Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
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The project is focused on research of topics surrounding implementation of new AIXM 5.1 format based D-NOTAM service and following development of ground and airborne prototypes. A database of static airspace data will be developed, as well as prototype of ground workstation enabling creation of digital NOTAMs and prototypes of cockpit applications for processing of D-NOTAM information. Follow on cockpit - ground validation exercises include testing with both archive and operational NOTAM data.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Research agency
Institution Name
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source
Technology agency of the Czech Republic


  • The Camera Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences (software) - this is a Matlab implementation of an algorithm for camera pose estimation. The input is the intrinsic camera parameters (i.e. the camera has to be geometrically calibrated), the 3D lines seen by the camera and the corresponding 2D lines in the normalized image plane. Thanks to the parametrization of 3D lines, their projection into a plane is a linear operation and a line projection matrix can be thus estimated using Linear Least Squares method. The camera pose parameters are then extracted from the line projection matrix. The output of the algorithm are the extrinsic camera parameters - camera position and orientation with respect to the world coordinate system. This software can be used as a module for the Mobile application for D-NOTAM visualization (, thus enabling 3D visualization of airspaces and D-NOTAMs by means of augmented reality.
  • Ground system for generation and administration of D-NOTAMs (software) - the system consists of server with database for AIXM 5.1 format of D-NOTAMs and of workstation NOTAM-WS. Server and database archives NOTAM data and provides services for workstation. Workstation supports data entry, publication, control and visualization of D-NOTAMs as well as their export.
  • Airspace rendering software - this software allows rendering of airspace map based on spatial data provided by OpenStreetMap, altitude map of terrain obtained with radar scanning of Earth (SRTM) provided by NASA, and other vector data sources describing airspaces and points of interest. This software could be used standalone. It is expected to use it with mobile viewer of AIXM data.
  • A prototype of the cockpit system for visualization of D-NOTAMs for business aviation - the result is a software prototype that provides interpretation and visualization of D-NOTAMs to pilots in a cockpit. The result includes user interface validated in tests with D-NOTAMs generated in experimental operations of the ground station at RLP CR, s.p. The cockpit system facilitates pilot's understanding of the current situation - it filters out D-NOTAMs not relevant to planned or operated flight thus reducing the number of D-NOTAMs pilot needs process. Relevance of a D-NOTAM message is determined by the system based on temporal and spacial overlap with the flight. Additionally, the cockpit system improves efficiency of processing the D-NOTAMs. First, it visualizes the messages in connection with existing infrastructure - it shows what elements are altered by a NOTAM and to a limited extent how they are affected. This way of communicating NOTAMs to pilots is faster and it creates more accurate and more persistent mental model of a situation. Second, the system decomposes a complex structure of a NOTAM message into a structured text that the pilot can process faster and with reduced error rate. With respect to the pilot's task, the cockpit system - simplifies briefing (pre-flight as well as en-route) - supports strategic and tactic decision making.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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