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Decision support system for the field of road safety

Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The primary aim was to create and validate the system accurately localising accidents in a way so that it is possible to receive, verify and store the information into central traffic accident registry.


The project's objective was to increase safety on the roads in the Czech Republic by application of anti-accident measures on the spots with high incident concentration and monitoring of their efficiency.

  • The first part has been installed into the vehicles of traffic police and ensured unified accident localisation on the territory of the Czech Republic, including registration of detailed information on the accidents.
  • Police localise accidents with GPS instruments directly on the spot during investigation. Information on accident's coordinates is then entered into the system which subsequently localises the event on a map and provides other data for exact localisation of the accident.
  • The second (analytical) part of the system has located accident spots in the whole Czech road network and enabled traffic engineers to carry out various expert analysis (relative accident frequency monitoring, loss indicators monitoring etc.) based on data, collected on accidents.
  • The system then has offered traffic engineers a suitable solution, i.e. redevelopment of localised accident spots through anti-accident measures and enabled to monitor return and effectiveness of the applied anti-accident measures.
  • The third (publishing) part of the system has taken care of providing the information on traffic accidents, accident spots and anti-accident measures to professional public and Integrated Rescue System organs, cities, municipalities etc.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic (Ministerstvo dopravy)
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


The INFOBESI system has approached the problems of reducing accident frequency in a very comprehensive way. It has also revealed critical accident spots on the roads through systematic approach and has provided traffic analysts with clear and well arranged groundwork to understand and expose deficiencies of critical accident spots by means of accident course modelling tools.

Based on accident frequency analysis for various spots, it has offered traffic analysts the most suitable low-cost measures whose application has contributed significantly to their redevelopment.

Technical Implications

Each location has been evaluated according to the loss caused by accidents. It has included not only the total of material damage but also social costs related to minor, serious and fatal injuries. For example, the average cost of human life lost in accident oscillates around 10 million CZK.

INFOBESI has presented its users with financial evaluation of applied measures' success as a feedback.

Policy implications

The applied solution is based on geographical information system. All the accident data, registered by Czech Police directly in the field, served as an input for analyst experts of Transport Research Centre (CDV). Information is furthermore supplemented with the data from The Road and Motorway Directorate's road database in Ostrava.

The INFOBESI system has been developed in the spirit of public service. Therefore all the results from analysed and redeveloped locations are published online and thus the solution is transparent.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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