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Developing cognitive measures for evaluating attention problems and impulsive performance in car drivers

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Background & Policy context

Attention difficulties as well as impulse control problems have been associated with higher individual risk in traffic. Both of these may be measured with questionnaires as well as performance tasks. So far the questionnaire-based and performance task based predictors of traffic risk have been quite studied separately, and in Estonia currently there are no validated cognitive tasks for screening of potential driving problems. A lower function of cognitive abilities like impulse control and attention may also be the reason, why some drivers do not learn to manage the traffic risks successfully.


In this study, computerized tests will be created that automatically measure subjects’ performance in tasks related to inhibitory control and divided attention, based on classical neuropsychological tests.


The sample (n=100) is derived from the experienced (n=1003) and novice drivers (n=1866) databases of Estonian Psychobiological Traffic Behaviour Study (EPTBS). For testing the reliability and validity of the tests, at first a series of tasks will be carried out in a pilot sample (n=30). The final testing battery will be selected and carried out in a bigger sample that is selected from the existing database according to the specific traffic risk factors. Earlier measures include the impulsivity and attention deficit scale scores, self-estimated skills, and objective data on traffic behaviour like accident and violation records, and response to a brief psychological intervention in driving school. On one hand, uniting the results of the planned cognitive tasks with the data from the earlier database enables to validate the mentioned tests. On the other hand, testing cognitive abilities in risky drivers helps to understand the specific mechanisms behind their risk-taking. Finally, the acquired data enables to test hypotheses on the cognitive nature of impulse control – for example, whether the underlying reasons for apparently impulsive behaviour are in the preference for speed over accuracy, problems in inhibition process, subjective tempo or acknowledged risk-taking.


Funding Source
Estonian Science Foundation


The following publications were published under the project:

Paaver, M; Eensoo, D; Kaasik, K; Vaht, M; Mäestu, J; Harro, J (2013). Preventing risky driving: A novel and efficient brief intervention focusing on acknowledgement of personal risk factors. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 430−437, 10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.019.
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus (2013). Stressful life events influence driver's behaviour. In: Blut alkohol, Alcohol Drugs and Behaviour: Safe Mobility on Land, Sea and in the Air, Hamburg/ Germany, May 19th - May 22nd 2013. Lübeck (Germany): Steintor-Verlag in Dräger+Wullenwerver print+media Lübeck GmbH & Co. KG, Sup I - 62−Sup I - 63. (50; 3).
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus (2013). Üliooliharidus, impulsiivsus ja riskikäitumise markerid noortel sõidukijuhtidel. Eesti Arst: Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna aastapäeva teaduskonverents. Tallinn: OÜ Celsius Healtcare, 49−49. (92; Lisa 2).
Paaver, M.; Eensoo, D.; Harro, J. (2012). The efficacy of a brief intervention targeting risky driving: 3 year follow-up. In: Abstracts of EABCT 42nd Annual Congress: Psychotherapy and Neuroscience: Evidence and Challenges for CBT: EABCT 42nd Annual Congress; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug 29th-Sept 1st, 2012. 313.
Paaver, Marika; Uibo, Helen; Uusberg, Andero (2014). The effect of instructed awareness and acceptance of emotions on LPP in an induced emotion task. In: Abstract book of CMRP conference "Neuroscience of mindfulness", Bangor, UK, 2014 .
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus. (2014). The Role of Driver Anger and Impulsivity and Function of Serotonin System in Risky Driving. Traffic Injury Prevention, 15, 276−277.
Eensoo, Diva; Marika, Paaver; Jaanus, Harro. (2014). Sõidukijuhi ärrituvuse, impulsiivsuse ja aju serotoniinisüsteemi markerite roll riskide võtmisel liikluses. Eesti Arst, 93: Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna aastapäeva teaduskonverents 2014. Eesti Arst, 35. (Lisa 1).
Paaver, M., Kurrikoff, T., Harro, J. (2013). Cognitive and family-related predictors of reported suicide attempts in a population-based prospective study of adolescents. In: Abstracts of the EABCT 43rd Congress.
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus. (2014). The Role of Driver Anger and Impulsivity and Function of Serotonin System in Risky Driving. Traffic Injury Prevention, 15, 276−277.
Paaver, Marika; Uibo, Helen; Uusberg, Andero (2014). The effect of instructed awareness and acceptance of emotions on LPP in an induced emotion task. In: Abstract book of CMRP conference "Neuroscience of mindfulness", Bangor, UK, 2014 .
Paaver, M; Eensoo, D; Kaasik, K; Vaht, M; Mäestu, J; Harro, J (2013). Preventing risky driving: A novel and efficient brief intervention focusing on acknowledgement of personal risk factors. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 430−437, 10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.019.
Paaver, M., Kurrikoff, T., Harro, J. (2013). Cognitive and family-related predictors of reported suicide attempts in a population-based prospective study of adolescents. In: Abstracts of the EABCT 43rd Congress.
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus (2013). Stressful life events influence driver's behaviour. In: Blut alkohol, Alcohol Drugs and Behaviour: Safe Mobility on Land, Sea and in the Air, Hamburg/ Germany, May 19th - May 22nd 2013. Lübeck (Germany): Steintor-Verlag in Dräger+Wullenwerver print+media Lübeck GmbH & Co. KG, Sup I - 62−Sup I - 63. (50; 3).
Eensoo, Diva; Paaver, Marika; Harro, Jaanus (2013). Üliooliharidus, impulsiivsus ja riskikäitumise markerid noortel sõidukijuhtidel. Eesti Arst: Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna aastapäeva teaduskonverents. Tallinn: OÜ Celsius Healtcare, 49−49. (92; Lisa 2).
Paaver, M.; Eensoo, D.; Harro, J. (2012). The efficacy of a brief intervention targeting risky driving: 3 year follow-up. In: Abstracts of EABCT 42nd Annual Congress: Psychotherapy and Neuroscience: Evidence and Challenges for CBT: EABCT 42nd Annual Congress; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug 29th-Sept 1st, 2012. 313.
Uibo, H.; Uusberg, A.; Paaver, M. (2014). Detached mindfulness reduces Late Positive Potential across affective stimulus repetitions. 2nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Dortmund, Germany, May 2014.
Kõiv, Mait (2013). Pheidon. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion, Andrew Erskine, (5242−5243). Wiley-Blackwell.


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