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Environmental report for Oslo Public Transport

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Environmental/Emissions aspects
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Passenger transport



Vestlandsforsking, in cooperation with Oslo Sporveier implemented the fundamental analysis that was the basis for the Oslo Sporveier environmental report for the year of 2000. This covered analysis of the Group's total energy consumption and emissions, as well as calculations as the basis for a society accounts were conduted. Both the employee commuting and business travel were included in addition to the basic services in public transport by bus, tram, subway and boat.


Funding Source
Oslo Public Transport


The report presents 3 scenarios for the development of passenger transport in Oslo until 2016. The three scenarios are a passenger car scenario, a public passenger transport scenario and a sustainability scenario. The project provides numbers about passenger transport, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, NOx emissions, nitrogen dust emissions, area consumption and time spent for all 3 scenarios and for 1996.

The results show that passenger cars in 1996 accounted for 77% of passenger transport, 92% of energy consumption, 95% of CO2 emissions, 95% of NOX emissions, 95% of dust emissions, 87% of land use and 59% of the time spent. Total energy consumption, CO2 emissions, NOx emissions and dust emissions from passenger transport in Oslo are reduced in all 3 scenarios compared to
situation in 1996. The reduction is the least in the passenger car scenario and the greatest in the sustainability scenario.
Area consumption increases by 39% in the passenger car scenario and by 22% in the collective scenario, while we get one reduction in land use by 32% in the sustainability scenario. The total time spent associated with passenger transport increases approximately the same in all 3 scenarios. The analysis further shows that the differences between the scenarios are small regarding the economic consequences of NOX emissions and time spent. 


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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