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General methodology for evaluation of road traffic impacts on the inhabitants

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Geo-spatial type
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport



The project aims to create a practical and well-arranged background for assessment of road traffic impact on neighboring inhabitants, focusing especially on noise and air quality. The main interest of the project is the elimination of existing discrepancies and uncertainties, which  currently complicate the process of traffic impact assessment.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Research agency
Institution Name
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic


  • The project has following outputs:
  1. Proposal of the modification of the EPA AP-42 methodology for re-suspended particles emission computing - the proposal includes the non-exhaust emissions from road traffic, specifically assessment of the amount of particles re-suspended from the road surface by vehicle movement. Within the vehicle pass, the particles lying on the road surface are carried out to the air, esp. by the turbulence behind vehicles. The proposal of the modification makes the calculations in AP-42 more precise, removes some difficulties and makes the AP-42 methodology usable on wider scale of cases.
  2. Proposal of the method for evaluation of the exceedance  number of the 24hour limit value for PM10 - the aim of the proposal is finding or optimizing suitable method for evaluating the model value of “number of exceedances of the 24hour limit value for PM10”. Statistical methods were applied, the method is based on correlation between annual mean and the number of exeedances of the 24hour concentration 50 μg.m-3 for the given place and year.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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