The energy and climate policy goals will lead to the adaptation of existing and the introduction of new incentives for energy-efficient passenger cars. Research goal is the ex ante analysis of possible future incentive schemes, in order to improve their efficacy and efficiency. For this, the effects and impacts of different financial incentive schemes on car purchase and car usage are analysed and quantified. Indirect incentives are also investigated. Mixes of different policy instruments are analysed as well. Both private and commercial cars are addressed. It is shown, how carry-on and rebound effects can be contained. Recommendations are given for the optimal design and combination of policy instruments.
[Work packages 1 to 3] The project starts with a meta-analysis of the literature and data from existing surveys. Gaps in knowledge and specific Swiss circumstances are identified, and the 5 case studies are defined. Seven existing survey data sets are re-analysed with regard to effects of financial incentives for efficient cars. Presentation and discussion with the advisory board (Workshop 1).
[Word packages 4 to 6] For the 5 case studies, effects and impacts of financial incentives are described for each target group. Effects include the purchase of efficient cars, increased mileage of exisiting efficient cars, and rebound effects (purchase of additional cars; driving more). Two new surveys are conducted and analysed. The carry-on effects for new technologies will be modelled, as empirical data does not exist yet. Presentation and discussion with the advisory board (Workshop 2).
[Work packages 7+8] Based on the meta-analysis and the results from the exisiting and the new data sets, an analysis tool for ex ante assessment of possible future policy options will be deveploped. It will be tested for the five case studies. All findings and results are described in a final report; presentation and discussion with advisory board. Compilation of SVI-Merkblatt for the optimal design of financial incentives for energy-efficient new cars.