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Innovative Pricing for Sustainable Mobility (434-09-020)

Netherlands Flag
Geo-spatial type
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Transport electrification (ELT)
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport



This research investigates how innovative pricing can contribute to achieving a more sustainable transport system, taking a broad perspective that encompasses multiple modes (notably road and public transport), multiple technologies within a mode (e.g. electric vs. conventional fuel cars), multiple actors (travellers and major stakeholders), and interactions between infrastructure and urban networks; and that considers the implementation and transition phase explicitly. The project therewith addresses the impacts of transport pricing on both central questions in the second call of this SAR programme: sustainability of transport, and synergy between infrastructure and urban networks.


This study takes a systems perspective. It includes transport-specific issues like interactions between road and public transport performance and pricing, but also mutual interactions with spatial urban markets (labour, housing, location). For acceptability research, this includes the explicit consideration of (strategic) behaviour of lobby groups, (local) governments, and other institutions. And for studying price setting, this involves the consideration of multiple (local or national) governments and/or multiple private road operators, competing on the same network.

The programme encompasses various research methods. For the analysis of pricing effects, empirical (revealed preference) data will be used. For acceptability research, questionnaires, experiments, and in-depth interviews with key actors in the Netherlands are foreseen. Finally, various analytical and simulation equilibrium network models will be used in investigating the full equilibrium impacts of spill-overs and feedback effects upon the performance of pricing schemes, as well as the pricing behaviour of governments and private operators controlling part of a network.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Research agency
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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