MOBI.Europe will promote the full integration and interoperability of a cloud of ICT applications associated with electro-mobility, which were already developed and are in the process of being tested. It is built upon the Portuguese, the Irish, the city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and the Galician (Spain) ongoing electro-mobility initiatives. Involving all the relevant stakeholders, it will be capable of delivering comprehensive and innovative solutions to foster electro-mobility among European citizens.
Increase users acceptance
MOBI.Europe aims to make users more comfortable with the use of EVs beyond the limits of “range anxiety” by providing them with universal access to an interoperable charging infrastructure, independently from their energy utility and region.
Promote the use of clean energy sources
MOBI.Europe aims to facilitate the use and a wide adoption of electric vehicles; since most EVs charge up overnight, when demand for electricity is low, tapping existing over-capacity generated by renewable sources (like wind) rather than increasing demand for new capacity, this will result into a greater integration of renewable sources into the electric grid. Next generation mobility paradigms should provide the user with relevant information concerning duration, costs, energy needs and GHG emissions of their travels. The integration work of MOBI.Europe will test ICT services that are able to provide users with that kind of information, empowering them to make better decisions about their mobility.
Through the use of EV, local direct Green House Gases (GHG) emissions from the transport sector will decrease but the impact on Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions will depend on the electricity generation mix and the ability to adjust this. MOBI.Europe aims to measure and monitor the overall impact of electric vehicles on CO2 and other pollutants emissions and to provide ICT applications capable of integrating energy production with the charging infrastructure, of supporting intelligent charging, and of enabling service and tariff management through the right business models, which would enable the best use of electricity generated by renewable sources.
Test Cross-national integration (Roaming functionality)
MOBI.Europe will attempt to achieve cross-national interoperability by allowing different business models to exist and keep business-specific information being shared to the minimum requirements. Ideally, roaming (much in the sense of today’s mobile communication networks) is the main concept whose viability is to be demonstrated, providing users freedom of choice and equal accessibility in the connection to charging spots everywhere in Europe.
Contribute to the standardisation and openness of EV ecosystem
As any industry in its early stages, the Electro-Mobility industry needs flexibility to evolve and meet new or changing needs. This flexibility is achieved through interoperability, giving to local initiatives
The proposed solution will be based on a System of Systems (SoS) approach establishing open interfaces between the different initiatives and allowing for the exchange of information, setting the basis for a pan-European network of services associated to electro-mobility, whilst respecting national and local differences.
MOBI.Europe will interconnect service agents, final users and regulators. The project looks at it from the collaborative point of view all stakeholders are both information users and information providers.
Each system acts as a black box: its inherent technology is not relevant for the integration work. The relevant technologies are:
- Implementation: Service Oriented Architectures (SOA);
- User Interface: Web and smartphone applications (e.g. Android, iPhone);
- Authentication: Smartphones and GSM devices;
- Communication: Wi-Fi and 3G, cloud based services;
- Hardware: Infotainment hardware and car-sharing embedded controllers; in-home devices.