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Linking data sources to develop Terminal 4.0

Austria icon
Geo-spatial type
Infrastructure Node
Project Acronym
Terminal 4.0
STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Deployment planning/Financing/Market roll-out
Transport sectors
Freight transport



The transition towards logistics 4.0 requires major adaptions for multi modal cargo terminals. This will be highly challenging for terminals due to their history-based development and minority (in best cases) of already automated-running processes. In addition to the adaption requirements the increasing number of automated processes and upcoming communication between cargo units, cargo handling technologies and vehicles provides major benefits and potentials for the optimization of current cargo terminal operations.

The project is a follow-up of the FFG-Sondierung DatenVerkehr and addresses the optimization of existing cargo handling processes based on the consideration of additional data sources in order to establish development guidelines for the transition phase of terminals towards logistics 4.0. Based on a state-of-the-art review, leading examples and innovations a technology-roadmap for cargo handling areas is defined. Furthermore, requirements are identified amongst technical and organizational conditions and limitations and boundaries. Data sources, specifications and interfaces are identified, the usability of the generated data towards optimization and process automation is assessed. Review results are used for the identification of requirements and impacts on the technology developments in terms of the upcoming direct communication between cargo unit, cargo handling technology and vehicles bearing in mind coherent safety requirements.

Based on the accessible terminal operation data of the project partner Hans Künz GmbH lift orders of cargo handling cranes are simulated in the OPTIHUBS modelling system and reviewed in terms of their efficiency within the process (supply) chain based on already established key performance indicators. In addition, optimisations are conducted by means of simulations and the assessment of their process impact. Recommendations are derived.

The findings are used to establish development guidelines for multi modal cargo terminals including inland waterway transports. It consists of several steps of process- and terminal adaptions including statements for the respective time periods for the required transition. The guidelines will be used to establish automated processes for loading activities taking into consideration all modes of transport (trucks, railway and waterway), cargo units and cargo handling systems (cranes and reach stackers) within the cargo handling areas from the perspective of the terminal operator to gather for the transition towards logistics 4.0. It will address several open scenarios with different functional specifications and terminal layout settings. Staged measures will be derived that include e.g. sensors, organization, data processing and interfaces, spatial circumstances and terminal management systems as well as backup strategies and emergency plans. The development guidelines will be assessed through means of case studies.

Terminals will be simulated; the guidelines reviewed in terms of their practicability and feasibility focusing on the staged development proposal. Results of the simulations will be discussed with terminal operators (LOI-partners) in order to access their expertise for optimization purposes. The development guidelines will include general recommendations for the transition of existing terminals. Currently there are no comparable solutions available on the market; consequently, the results can be seen as major innovation.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
FFG - Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Other Programme
Gütermobilität 2016


Lead Organisation
Nast Consulting Zt Gmbh
Lindengasse 38, 1070 Wien, Austria
Partner Organisations
Hans Kunz Gmbh
Gerbestr 15, 6971 Hard, Austria


Technology Theme
Infrastructure management
Multimodal terminal infrastructure
Development phase

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