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MIkro-ÖV and CarsHAring ELegant pinch

Austria icon
Geo-spatial type
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

Collaborative mobility is an innovative approach to reorganize mobility in a sustainable way. In rural areas, the everyday mobility is primarily depended on private, motorised cars. Due to the lack of a suitable offer in public transport and the low density in utility services, for people who do not own a car mobility is quite a big challenge. Sharing economy is a growth sector, which is enabled by the rapid growth of ICT on the one side and the change of values in our society towards sharing instead of owning on the other side.


The goal of the project is to provide mobility services in rural and sparsely populated areas by combining car- and ridesharing offers. Independent mobility of so far underprivileged people can thereby be supported. While carsharing has been successful even in rural areas within the last years, ridesharing is still not established there. Seekirchen am Wallersee and Gaubitsch, the two project partner municipalities, experience the same situation. Both municipalities have established a quite successful carsharing offers and would like to expand it to a bottom-up micro-public transport.

The focus of the project lies on the combination of social innovation and technological integration. Social innovation as a change of social practices will be achieved through the activation of users, the joint discussion with users on needs, motivations and demands on the mobility services, the development and the expansion of the community and the strengthen of the neighbourly cohesion, the creation of incentives based on a reward system and the advertising of new mobility services in the municipalities. Concerning the technical integration, the focus lies on the creation of a user-friendly reservation / booking system, a reputation system to boost confidence between driver and passenger, a communication system and possibly a reward system. Methodological innovation is guaranteed by the Living Lab approach.

Besides scientific knowledge concerning integrated sharing, another result of the project will be an integrated car- and ridesharing system for the two municipalities. The project provides a novel integration of peer2peer carsharing and ridesharing (bottom-up micro-PT) offers, taking into account mobility needs and demands of users. By the specific use of synergies, mobility services in rural areas can be improved and at the same time resources can be saved.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
FFG - Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Other Programme
MdZ - 6. Ausschreibung 2015


Lead Organisation
Technische Universitat Wien Department Fur Raumplanung
Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien, Austria
Partner Organisations
Caruso Carsharing Egen
Färbergasse 17B, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria


Technology Theme
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Car-sharing platform
Development phase

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