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More Options for Energy Efficient Mobility through Car-Sharing

European Union
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STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
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Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

The service of Car-Sharing supports less car-dependent mobility patterns. It has highlighted the options for more energy-efficient mobility – and also for reducing the amount of cars in our cities. The European potential is immense but far from being fully exploited.


The existing obstacles to exploiting the potential of Car-Sharing for European cities can be overcome.momo Car-Sharing wants

  • to increase the awareness of Car-Sharing in Europe
  • to increase the number of Car-Sharers considerably
  • to establish new services in locations without Car-Sharing
  • to increase the energy-efficiency within existing Car-Sharing operations
  • to make recommendations on how to develop and establish eco-efficient Car-Sharing.

Thus momo Car-Sharing has the key objective of contributing significantly to sustainable mobility patterns by establishing a mobility culture which is based on using various transport options instead of car-ownership. The beneficial effect of Car-Sharing has been pointed out in the Green Paper on Urban Mobility. As a market-based service, transport can be organised more rationally and be more resource-efficient. 


MOMO Car-Sharing will be carried out with partners from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain. Further European countries are involved through the UITP CarSharing platform. 
The project co-ordinator is the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen with the Ministry for Environment, Construction, Transport and European Affairs bringing in a lot of experience with EC supported transport projects demonstrating Car-Sharing, Public Transport improvements and alternative fuelled vehicles. 
momo Car-Sharing is split into ten work packages (WP)

Car-Sharing is divided into ten WPs. Four of them are horizontal WPs and cover Project Management (WP1), Awareness raising (WP5) and Dissemination (WP9 and WP10). Six WPs are covering market and operational aspects and are the parts of the project where most of the outputs will be generated. The flow chart shows all WPs and how they are interlinked. As indicated in the flow chart the work packages are grouped in a way that allows efficient co-operation, avoids duplication of work and ensures that the objectives of momo Car-Sharing are met. In the following paragraphs a description of the WPs, how they are grouped and how they interact with each other are briefly described.


Parent Programmes
Type of funding
Public (EU)


  • Informed some 135,000 people across Europe about car-sharing.
  • As a direct result of the project around 4000 people and nearly 600 companies joined car-sharing services. During the project duration membership figures of participating car-sharing providers increase by 95,000.
  • Established car-sharing pilots with 13 real estate projects, initiated 33 short term rental points with hotels and a student union and developed car-sharing action plans for Helsinki and Bremen.
  • Helped reduce the energy consumption of car-sharing vehicles by between 7gCO2/km and 25gCO2/km per vehicle and achieve a 10% reduction in fuel consumption as a result of driver training.
  • Prepared a comprehensive review of the state of car-sharing in Europe, developed a series of fact sheets on a range of important aspects of car-sharing and developed car-sharing guidelines for public auhorities to assist with the development on new services.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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