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Production of Sustainable aircraft grade Kerosene from water and air powered by Renewable Electricity, through the splitting of CO2, syngas formation and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

European Union
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€4 951 959
EU Contribution
€4 951 959
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Low-emission alternative energy for transport (ALT)
Transport mode
Airborne icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Environmental/Emissions aspects,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Link to CORDIS

KEROGREEN offers a novel conversion route for sustainable aviation fuel production, synthesised from water and CO2 powered by renewable electricity.

The conversion process is based on plasma-driven CO2 dissociation, solid oxide membranes and Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis of kerosene and is expected to increase its energy efficiency. The feedstock used in this process is CO2 directly captured from the air, so KAROGREEN will also recycle the CO2 emitted from the fuel usage.

The KEROGREEN technology is modular, scalable and relies on inexpensive existing infrastructure for storage, transport and distribution. The project will advance the technology readiness level from TRL 3 to 4 by integrating the novel system into a container-sized unit producing 1kg of kerosene per hour. The anticipated cost at this stage of development is estimated at 150% of the cost of fossil kerosene.

The technology can be used to convert a surplus of renewable electricity in a carbon-neutral liquid fuel, which opens new opportunities for storing renewable energy, providing flexibility and increasing market penetration of renewable electricity.

The KEROGREEN technology is generic as it couples the electricity system to the oil, gas and chemical infrastructure with the powerful potential to reduce overall EU/world CO2 emissions, strengthen EU energy security and conserve fossil fuel.

If successful, the project will provide a solution for decentralised production of non-fossil and non-biomass CO2 kerosene. The compact-sized KEROGREEN equipment coupled to an off-shore wind turbine or a remote solar array will produce carbon neutral liquid fuel on the site, with no need for expensive upgrade of the electricity infrastructure.



Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Type of funding
Public (EU)
Other Programme
Funding Source


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


Technology Theme
Alternative fuels
Electrofuel production
Development phase

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