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Risk Management for Roads in a Changing Climate

European Union
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Geo-spatial type
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport



The objective of the RIMAROCC project is to develop a common ERA-NET ROAD method for risk analysis and risk management with regard to climate change. The purpose is to support decision making concerning adaptation measures in the road sector. To facilitate the work of end users the method will be based upon, or at least be compatible with, general existing methods for risk analysis (and management) within the ERA-NET ROAD funders and other relevant methods. The project is focusing on Risk Analysis – with risk assessment, risk management in cost-benefit analysis and level of acceptable risk, and on Risk management Options. This integrated approach will greatly facilitate the consistency of methodological deliverables and the work of end users among road authorities. Specific attention will be given to both new road design and improvement/maintenance/operation of existing roads.


The first step of the project is a listening process to identify priority needs of the users, based on a simplified version of value engineering. This is done through a dialogue where the functions and specific objectives of a risk management method are listed and weighted. These demands are the basis for the development of the RIMAROCC method.

The results from the project will be presented as reports (e.g. state of the art on existing methods for risk analysis and risk management within Road Administrations) and as a proposed method with examples where the method has been adopted to structural, section, network and area level.


Parent Programmes
Type of funding
Public (EU)
Other Programme


The RIMAROCC method is designed to be general and to meet the common needs of road owners and road administrators in Europe. The method seeks to present a framework and an overall approach to adaptation to climate change. The method is based on existing risk analysis and risk management tools for roads within the ERA-NET Road member states and others. Work dealing with risk analysis and climate change is taking place in many countries. The proposed method is designed to be compatible and function in parallel with existing methods, allowing specific and functional methods for data collection, calculations and cooperation within each organisation to be maintained. The method is also in line with the ISO 31 000 standard on risk management.

It must be borne in mind that the definition and analysis of road system vulnerabilities to climate change do not fall within the scope of the RIMAROCC project.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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