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Security in Municipal Transport Services during major events

Germany Icon
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STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

Along with growing number and size of events the number of stakeholders increases with their demand for information and coordination as well as security requirements at the venue and during arrival and departure. The VeRSiert project has developed recommended actions, innovative measures and systems to improve the security of events.


The aim of the project was to increase the safety of major events, in particular in public transport, by means of optimized networking of transport companies, emergency services, organizers and passengers.

Large-scale events require strategic planning and agreements between the parties involved in advance. This involves the coordination of measures and participants in planned situations as well as in exceptional situations (which can be caused by panic, riots or attacks). The central questions, which go through all the research areas of VeRSiert, are: How can security and safety be further improved at major events, especially in public transport? What information technology and organizational measures can be developed to further optimize the cooperation between the actors involved in the planning, implementation and follow-up of major events?


Organizational measures and the technical systems for the intelligent use of information and communication techniques together with training concepts for the various participants were analysed, designed, implemented, model-tested and empirically evaluated.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source
Federal Ministry of Education and Research


During the project period, the partners involved from science, municipal administration, local public transport and R&D have developed innovative approaches and systems using the example of large-scale events in the city of Cologne.

In order to optimize the organization-wide information exchange between different actors at major events, an information and cooperation portal was developed, which facilitates the simple exchange of plans, protocols and times of operation as well as the fast access to contact data via the Internet. In this way, the necessary communication and cooperation between different actors at major events can be improved.

The information and cooperation portal has been successfully tested in the cities of Cologne, Bonn and Leverkusen.

In the work package disaster management, typical measures of disaster management and recommendations for action were developed from the analysis of former disasters as well as the existing structures of the disaster control. The findings provide a deep insight into the structures and the process of disaster management in Germany. The insights gained in the context of a specific case study were generalized by means of induction.

The aim of the work package Controlling measures was the definition of potential fields of action and key approaches to the management of major events.

In the work package of safety planning, the findings from the fields of disaster management and controlling measures should be specified. The goal was to develop and test concrete measures with the aim of increasing safety at large events in Cologne.

Findings of the study are published in detail by several final reports of the project partners (German only) which are available online via the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB):

University of Wuppertal, Faculty of civil engineering:
"Successful security strategies and measures as well as customer satisfaction surveys in public transport"

Nahverkehr Rheinland AG:
"Safety planning in event coordination"

Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG:
"Employee training and passenger information at major events"

City administration Cologne:
"Security management of the cooperative traffic control center"

Airport Research Center GmbH
"Extension of the simulation platform CAST for the modeling and simulation of the networking behavior of participants of major events in public transport"

Vitracom AG:
"Procedures for the video-based recognition of danger situations on stations and in vehicles"  

University of Stuttgart, Institute for Ergonomics and Technology Management
"Location-related mobile services to include visitors and helpers"


Furthermore, there is a Flyer (English) providing an overview:

The publication "VeRSiert- Sicherheit im ÖPNV bei Großveranstaltungen" is available as a printed version only.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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