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Strengthening of the competitive environment of rail passenger transport

Slovakia Flag
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Rail icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

The project forms part of the national research programme on 'Transformation and harmonisation of the transport and communication services and systems' which was established by the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunication (MDPT SR) for the period 2000-2005.
The study was based on the principles of transport policies of the Slovak Republic (SR), the Government Directive 903/2002 on the concept of regional transport policies and the development of integrated transport systems, statements of the Government, numerous legal norms and documents relevant for public transport, the EC document COM (95) 691 on equitable and efficient pricing in transport, and the EC document COM (98) 431 on the development of a transport network for citizens.


The main objectives were as follows:

  • Identification of the interests of the transport policy of the SR in the context of its integration to the EU;
  • Concept of measures for the improvement of the quality of the available services of rail passenger transport by strengthening the competitive environment in rail passenger transport;
  • Concept of measures to ensure the efficiency of regional passenger transport in its economic and social environment;
  • Identification of the specific requirements for the development of the different transport sectors and systems which follow from the national and international traffic relations and the geographical situation of the SR.

The study encompassed 5 parts and methodological steps:


  1. Analysis of the legal norms and documents in the EU and the SR;
  2. Analysis of the advantages of an integrated transport system;
  3. Structure of the transport market in rail passenger transport;
  4. Strengthening of the competitiveness of rail passenger transport;
  5. Concept of the legal requirements for a competitive environment in rail passenger transport.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunication (MDPT SR)
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


The main results encompass the following concepts and findings:

- Concept for the adaptation of the legislation of the SR to provide simplified access of the different operators of railway lines and changes in connection with financing of regional passenger transport, with shifting of competences for the provision of the regional transport services;

- Concept of measures for strengthening of the competitiveness of rail passenger transport in relation to other public passenger transport means including the integration of the passenger transport systems;

- Identification of the requirements of the enterprises of the transport market, of the economic strategy of the State and the economic tools;

- Restructuring of the competences of the key authorities of the State in the transport sector.

Policy implications

Policy implications and recommendations are, among others, the following:

- Sustainability of the individual elements of the network of long-distance public transport in the SR;

- Provision of main transport connections between the SR and the states of Central Europe;

- Provision of integrated instruments of intelligent transport systems (ITS).


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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