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Transport Information Systems Policies

European Union
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Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues


Background & Policy context

Information, communication and navigation (ICN) technologies could help to achieve the objectives of the Common Transport Policy (CTP) through the development and deployment of new transport systems and services. However, ensuring maximum benefits from the integration of these technologies into transport requires identification of the most pressing issues that policy makers should address as well as the options available to them.


The main objective of the project was the provision of transport policy requirements for the integration of ICN technologies in transport.


Specific objectives were:

  • to deliver a framework for policy assessment based on possible scenarios and impacts,
  • to identify functional, social, organisational and institutional requirements, and
  • to propose the most appropriate actions for developing an ICN service environment that will support the CTP.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission; Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (DG TREN; formerly DG VII)
Type of funding
Public (EU)


The project has developed a framework for policy assessment to structure the process leading to the formulation of policy options. The framework includes three main policy assessment components: the elements (the transport world, the CTP, the ICN technologies, the generic transport telematic services, the integration process), the relations describing the way the elements interact, and the steps from the identification of the needs to the policy requirement formulation.

Two types of policy requirements have been identified:

  • Functional policy requirements, to ensure that the impacts of the integration contribute to the achievement of transport policy objectives. Six functions that the integration has the potential to fulfil have been identified: changing transport demand, optimising Trans-European infrastructure services, improving transport efficiency, improving transport safety, facilitating integration of transport systems, and facilitating fair and efficient pricing;
  • Operational policy requirements, to overcome the barriers that may hinder the integration process. Seven main barriers have been identified: lack of standards and harmonisation, absence of high-level architecture, insufficiently user-oriented approach, high user costs, insufficient information exchange, absence of an information and communication infrastructure, and differences between legislation.

Specific options have been identified for the development of the European satellite navigation and positioning system Galileo and for multi-modal payment systems.

Policy implications

Four legal aspects have been identified as important for the integration of ICN technologies:

  • privacy issues raised by the European Directive on data protection,
  • questions raised by the means used for electronic payments (re-loadable instruments and credit cards),
  • implications for competition law brought about by the possibility of anti-competitive conduct, which could justify adaptation of the sector-specific regulations on access to infrastructure by service providers,
  • lack of a liability framework in case of damage caused by errors or failures, which may be best addressed by a European Directive in the context of Galileo.

The areas where integration of ICN technologies has effects on safety are recognised as priority areas for government intervention because road safety improvements account for a large fraction of the total potential benefits. However, gaps in knowledge on the socio-economic impacts still need to be addressed. Research should target the development of strategic models and transport/land use/economic interaction models, and the evaluation of socio-economic effects in the validation of pilot projects.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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