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National Programme of ICT: Strategic action for Transport Safety and Security

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Spain)
Spain Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Infrastructure (INF)


Background & Policy context

The technologies that maintain the development of the Information Society are rapidly evolving. Although the advances in information and communication technologies are opening new and revolutionary possibilities, the present applications and technologies hardly allow us to catch sight of the potential of the Information Society.

In effect, key characteristics such as ease of use, reliability, interoperability and, mainly, accessibility and availability, are far from fulfilling the levels that would allow the massive unfolding of Information Society technologies. A continued effort is required in research and technical development to provide the adaptation, application and dissemination of these technologies in the productive and social fabric.

Strategic Objectives

Promotion in the production of scientific research and technological development projects and actions which have as a goal:
a) The most efficient management of transport infrastructure.
b) The management of mobility in the different modes of transport and modal balance.
c) The active safety of security of people and goods.
d) The adaptation to the European standards or pre-norms emanating from the CEN (European Committee of Normalisation).
e) The interaction with users and especially on movable commerce (m - commerce).

Programme organisation

The aid corresponding to the National Programme of Information and Communication Technologies and their strategic operations on Systems and intelligent transport services of the National Programme of Transport and Land Use, are regulated by means of the Programme of Promotion of Technical Investigation PROFIT). This is included in the National Plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (2000-2003).


Institution Type
Institution Name
MCYT - Ministry of Science and Technology
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Programme funding arrangements and funding conditions

Financial aid to projects and actions of research and technological development can be granted in accordance with the following criteria:

a) Reimbursable advance payments:

  • Industrial research projects with moderate technological development;
  • Technical viability projects previous to industrial research projects, with moderate technological development;
  • Pre-competitive development projects with moderate technological development;
  • Technological demonstration projects with moderate technological development

b) Funding:

  • Industrial research projects with advanced technological development;
  • Technical viability studies to previous industrial research activities with advanced technological development;
  • Pre-competitive development projects with advanced technological development;
  • Technological demonstration projects with advanced technological development;
  • Special actions;
  • Projects and actions in the participation in the EUREKA and IBEROEKA programmes, Framework Programmes of the European Community for research, demonstration and technological development, and other international co-operative scientific research and technological development programmes.
Participating countries

Projects covered

1 projects have benn covered so far:


Ministry of Science and Technology

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