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Operational Programme "Science, Technology, Innovation"

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Portugal)
Portugal Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)


Background & Policy context

The POCTI programme was presented to the EC in November 1999 and integrated within the CSP III in July 2000. The main strategic lines of the project are to overcome scientific backwardness, expand innovation activities and promote a scientific and technological culture.

The programme was planned based on several studies and public debates between 1998 and 1999 within the scope of the 'White Book for Portuguese Scientific and Technological Development 2000-2006'. The total budget initially allocated was € 980 million for the period 2000-2006.

Strategic Objectives

There are four main objectives of the activities carried under the POCTI support:

1) To overcome the scientific backwardness through:

  • The promotion of a competitive scientific production according to international standards
  • The development of a modern network of R&D institutions
  • The organisation of a solid matrix of scientific equipment
  • The mobilisation of the co-operation capacity of the country


2) To expand innovation activities through:

  • The internationalisation of scientific and technological innovation
  • Provide added value to the results of R&D activities
  • The development of integrated and inter-sectorial programmes
  • The promotion of co-operation between firms and R&D institutions


3) To promote a scientific and technological oriented culture through:

  • The establishment of a solid base: 'Alive Science in the School' programme
  • The introduction of science within the 'map of culture'
  • The increase of resources for broad dissemination of science and technology.
Programme organisation

POCTI is organised around three axes of action:

Axis 1: Education and Qualification

Measure 1.1 - Advanced education

  • Measure 1.2 - Support to the insertion of persons with postgraduate studies (PhD, MA, MSc, etc) into firms and R&D institutions

  • Axis 2: Development of Scientific, Technological and Innovation System

    • Measure 2.1 - Development of a modern network of R&D institutions
    • Measure 2.2 - Organisation of a solid matrix of scientific equipment
    • Measure 2.3 - Promote scientific production, technological development and innovation

    Axis 3: Promotion of a Scientific and Technological Culture

    Measure 1.3 - Promotion of a Scientific and Technological Culture

    The main contribution from POCTI to transport R&D activities is funding of specific projects in the area. There is not a specific measure or sub-programme dealing with transport activities funding; the support is done on cross-section basis. Projects presented for funding would be inserted and assessed within one of the three axis for action.


    Institution Type
    Institution Name
    Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (Ministry of Science and Higher Education)
    Type of funding
    Public (EU)
    Programme funding arrangements and funding conditions

    Total budget by year and axis of application:

    Year TOTAL (EUR)

    2000 147 089 000
    Axis 1 63 300 000
    Axis 2 72 717 000
    Axis 3 10 176 000
    Assistance 896 000

    2001 163 206 000
    Axis 1 63 947 000
    Axis 2 87 136 000
    Axis 3 10 325 000
    Assistance 1 798 000

    2002 175 900 000
    Axis 1 65 691 000
    Axis 2 97 192 000
    Axis 3 10 424 000
    Assistance 2.593.000

    2003 196 086 000
    Axis 1 66 939 000
    Axis 2 113 534 000
    Axis 3 12 669 000
    Assistance 2 944 000

    2004 112 937 000
    Axis 1 45 738 000
    Axis 2 54 579 000
    Axis 3 9 078 000
    Assistance 3 542 000

    2005 84 779 000
    Axis 1 34 521 000
    Axis 2 37 242 000
    Axis 3 9 228 000
    Assistance 3 788 000

    2006 76 738 000
    Axis 1 30 919 000
    Axis 2 33 989 000
    Axis 3 7 930 000
    Assistance 3 900 000

    TOTAL 956 735 000
    Axis 1 371 055 000
    Axis 2 496 389 000
    Axis 3 69 830 000
    Assistance 19 461 000

    Participating countries

    Projects covered

    No projects covered for this programme.


    Mr Fernando Ramôa Ribeiro
    POCTI Management Cabinet - Ministry of Science and Higher Education
    Programme Website

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