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Coordination of Network Descriptors for Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€1 018 512
EU Contribution
€947 915
Project website
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS
Background & Policy context

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are increasingly being deployed in urban areas as part of the response to the transport issues they face. The services offered range from traffic control through public transport information to travel demand management.

However, as each urban area tends to be autonomous and act in response to its own political pressures, it is very difficult to build a picture across Europe and beyond of how ITS is being used to provide solutions, the scale of deployment and the comparative effectiveness of the implemented solutions. It is important to have this wide picture because it can inform where future investment is needed in research, training and deployment. This information can show where the market is effective, where barriers need to be removed and where the effectiveness of investment can be improved.


The main objectives of CONDUITS were to:

  • establish a coherent set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to indicate ITS good practice. The KPIs will:
    1. help understanding in which areas the transport network of a city is performing well;
    2. address all areas in which ITS applications can improve performance, i.e. safety, efficiency of individual modes, sustainable transport and environmental issues;
    3. identify potential improvements in providing transport for disadvantaged population groups (disadvantaged by location, disabilities or poverty);
    4. assess whether recent investments in the transportation network have brought improvements in these areas;
    5. assist transport planners and engineers to make business cases for future ITS investments;
  • understand European cities future ITS plans and to compare this to ITS worldwide. This comparison will:
    1. help transport policy formation in European cities to understand where they stand in comparison to other cities worldwide and to set intermediate goals;
    2. assist politicians, as well as transport engineers to build the case for investment in appropriate urban ITS systems;
    3. provide an insight into how far the investment plans of European cities reflect the key theme of integrated mobility;
  • clarify the market for specific ITS applications and to understand the barriers to implementation. This will:
    1. enable the further identification of possible markets for ITS applications (e.g. showing that the recent investments in new traffic management and control systems in Tel Aviv or Berlin have led to significant improvements could stimulate interest in several other cities);
    2. facilitate investigating the potential for implementing recent technological advances through targeted case studies that are of interest to the city partners (based on findings from a 2007 city comparison project funded by Transport for London (TfL), possible topics for case studies of interest to all city partners would include the potential for designing a decision support system, data Framework and ITS architecture and effective presentation of travel conditions to the public;
    3. establish a basis to understand the interest of cities in innovative ITS research ideas (e.g. a framework for an informed discussion with several cities regarding future priorities for innovations in traffic signal control having understood the particular context these cities ar

The CONDUITS project had a strong city involvement which intended to develop a number of tools to assist local authorities in making investment decisions on ITS. The project's objectives will be achieved through the coordination of research and development activities, so as to gather information on the programmes of cities and research teams, to improve communication, and to define the mutual needs and develop better reciprocal knowledge. In addition, the results are expected to benefit a wider range of ITS stakeholders, including the research community and the ITS industry by:

  • showing the most promising areas for urban ITS where research efforts should be directed;
  • achieving an internationally-recognised standard measure for quantifying benefits, enabling better and faster decision making by policy makers;
  • stimulating more private high-tech investment by lowering the risk and uncertainty associated with intelligent transport systems.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
The European Commission
Type of funding
Public (EU)
Specific funding programme


The CONDUITS City Pool

During the CONDUITS project, a city pool was established. The city pool has 39 members, including 34 European cities and 5 non-European cities. The CONDUITS city pool's purpose is to support and validate the outcomes of the CONDUITS project. City pool members are regularly informed about project progress, are encouraged to comment and provide input on the project's tasks, and are invited to attend the yearly CONDUITS workshop.

A success of the city pool formation is that the European part is a fairly diverse group, in which not only large metropolises are included (such as Paris, London, Rome, Istanbul and Athens), but also cities known for their virtuous attitude towards innovative transport systems (such as Trondheim, Karlsruhe and Turin), as well as medium-sized cities (Southampton and Stuttgart) and emerging realities (Kocaeli, Haifa, Funchal). The non-European part, on the other hand, consists of five world metropolises, and there is scope for expansion towards other continents, with cities in the USA, Canada, and Australia having been approached, but also India and South Africa.

On the CONDUITS website the city pool can be found. City summaries can be downloaded from there with information about the cities regarding:

  • Basic statistics/general facts
  • Organisational features
  • Private en public transport
  • Parking
  • Demand management
  • Data collection and treatment
  • Information provision and incident management

Several deliverables have been produced within CONDUITS

D1.1: Transport problems in cities

To identify the major transport problems that cities are faced with, primary and secondary research was carried out. A thorough literature review on transport problems in cities has been conducted, including a review of measures, policies and technologies that have been implemented worldwide.

D1.2-1.3: State-of-the-art of urban traffic management policies and Technologies

This report is the second part of the first stage of CONDUITS, whose objective is to establish the state-of-the-art of urban traffic management in Europe and beyond, with a particular focus on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). A questionnaire was developed with the aim of collecting city-specific data for the analysis and to create an extended database on the traffic management policies and technologies implemented.

D 2.3: Defining R&D needs

Strategy targets

Innovating for the future (technology and behaviour): Integrated urban mobility.


The project has already been implemented in a number of countries.


Lead Organisation
Istituto Di Studi Per L'integrazione Dei Sistemi
VIA SISTINA 42, 00187 ROMA, Italy
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€173 127
Partner Organisations
Administration De L'equipement Et Des Deplacements
Rue du Progres 80/1, 1060 BRUSSELS, Belgium
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€55 754
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sarachane/fatih, 34478 Istanbul, Turkey
EU Contribution
€43 326
Azienda Per La Mobilita Del Comune Di Roma Spa
Via Prenestina 45, 176 Roma, Italy
EU Contribution
Imperial College Of Science Technology And Medicine
Exhibition Road, South Kensington, LONDON, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€149 983
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 MUENCHEN, Germany
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€80 785
Ajuntament De Barcelona
Plaça De Sant Jaume Sn, 8002 Barcelona, Spain
EU Contribution
€101 799
Roma Servizi Per La Mobilita Srl
Via Di Vigna Murata 60, 143 Roma, Italy
EU Contribution
€90 736
Polis - Promotion Of Operational Links With Integrated Services, Association Internationale
rue du Trône 98, 1050 BRUXELLES, Belgium
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€54 028
Technion - Israel Institute Of Technology
Senate Building Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
EU Contribution
€93 518
Commune De Paris
Place De L Hotel De Ville 4, 75004 Paris, France
EU Contribution
€104 859


Technology Theme
Sustainable urban mobility plans
ITS solutions for urban mobility
Development phase

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