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General methodology for the formation of sections in the maintenance of municipal roads

Germany Icon
Geo-spatial type
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Infrastructure (INF)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

For the municipal conservation management system, a systematic and comprehensible implementation of section formations is essential. The education shall be targeted on the basis of the uniform and unambiguous classification system (georeferenced road axis network) and its partial facilities with corresponding factual information. According to the state of the art, the form of an edge/node system is to be used as the arrangement system.
The segmentation shall be carried out in several steps over damage sections in order to ensure the highest possible transparency over the successive formation of maintenance sections and sections of measures.


The main objective of the project is the development of a practice-oriented conservation stage formation.
In this context, the formation of sections of measures for municipal road maintenance for the implementation in a municipal conservation management system with the help of state variables/values and possible behavioural forecasts should be taken into account. This is an absolutely necessary basis for a goal- and practice-oriented allocation of measures and the associated planning certainty in the planning of requirements for the municipal budget.


The project includes the following tasks:
1. formation of damage sections
In the first step, a systematic damage segment is created on the basis of the status data collected in the correct position. As a basis, both measured and visually recorded condition data (state variables/values) must be taken into account. For the formation of the damage sections, reasonable boundary conditions have to be worked out. These boundary conditions are then to be incorporated into the rules and regulations.
2. aggregation to maintenance phases
The maintenance sections shall be geometrically aggregated by aggregation of the damage sections. In consideration of the respective determining condition characteristics, areas which require a conservation measure must be sensibly combined. Local authority influences must be taken into account. The necessary boundary conditions and parameters for the formation of sections are to be worked out. These boundary conditions are then to be incorporated into the set of rules.
3. adaptation of the maintenance sections to sections of measures based on the assigned measure category
Determination of the spatial extent of the sections of measures on the basis of the allocation of the appropriate conservation measures.
It is also necessary to examine whether a uniform width or surface contour or conglomerates on subareas are sufficient for calculation and whether they can be integrated into the secondary order system.
It is expected that the entire methodology will be based on the individual existing working papers on municipal road maintenance
4. perform plausibility checks
The results of the developed methodology are to be verified by means of a field comparison.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructures BMVI
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructures (BMVI)


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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