Being a part of Intelligent Transport Systems, cooperative ITS (C-ITS or cooperative systems) encompass a group of technologies and applications that allow effective data exchange through wireless communication technologies between components and actors of the transport system, very often between vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle or V2V) or between vehicles and infrastructure (vehicle-to-infrastructure or V2I).
The deployment of C-ITS is an evolutionary process that will start with the less complex use cases. These are referred to as “Day-1-services”, encompassing messages about traffic jams, hazardous locations, road-works and slow or stationary vehicles, as well as weather information and speed advises to harmonise traffic. Using probe vehicle and infrastructure-related data, all C-ITS services shall be transmitted directly into the vehicles in a way that allows users to get informed but not distracted.
The deployment of C-ITS faces many important issues still unresolved, such as legal, organisational, administrative, governing aspects, technical and standardisation issues as well as implementation and procurement issues.
Furthermore, C-ITS services need to be interoperable across Member States (MS) allowing continuity of service to enhance trust and user satisfaction and to enjoy the full benefits from the required investments.
The Action aims to streamline C-ITS implementation in four MS linking the different national initiatives towards a harmonized strategic rollout and common specification. C-ITS pilot sites to communicate data through ITS-G5 and/or cellular networks will be installed in the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and France, for operation and evaluation of C-ITS services.
The Action will mainly focus on the deployment of “Day-1” services as recommended by EC “C-ITS platform” such as Road works warning, Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory, In vehicle signage and Probe vehicle data. Furthermore, it will also test other services such as Multimodal cargo optimization, Truck Parking and Tunnel logistics.
The Action will contribute and cooperate closely with the C-Roads Platform. C-Roads is a platform of MS working on the deployment of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS services in Europe. The C-Roads Platform approach will pursue cooperation on a holistic level in order to cover all dimensions linked with the deployment of C-ITS, such as sharing experiences and knowledge regarding deployment and implementation issues, as well as user acceptance.
The Action will also cooperate with other C-ITS platform’s working groups to contribute to interoperability and harmonization of C-ITS services at EU level. The main specific objectives of the Action are the following:
- Demonstrating a large-scale interoperable deployment of C-ITS fostered through the participation in relevant platforms such as the C-Roads platform;
- Foster four MS C-ITS cross-border interoperability through the organization of interoperability tests with the participation of the different MS;
- Provide C-ITS services on a broader scale by fostering an hybrid communication approach through a combination of cellular and ITS-G5 communication;
- Extend the strategic cooperation between C-ITS front running countries and support other MS to step-in, by publishing Roll out Guidelines for Pilot operation;
- Evaluate the life benefits of C-ITS applications by reports on technical evaluation, impact assessment and user acceptance.