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Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt in Hot Mixes: (General project management) (VSS 2005/450)

Switzerland Flag
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Geo-spatial type
Infrastructure Node
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

This management project steers and coordinates the following single projects

  • EP1     Maximal / optimal quantity of reclaimed bituminous hot mixes used in different mixture types for different functional applications VSS 2005/452
  • EP2     Repeated recycling of bituminous mixes, VSS 2005/453
  • EP3     Sustainability of asphalt recycling, VSS 2005/454
  • EP4     Durability of bituminous layers made of reclaimed bituminous hot mixes; definition and validation of test methods, elaboration of assessment criteria, VSS 2005/455
  • EP5    Mix design, VSS 2005/456

These projects are expected to create a practical and systematic basis for standardization, elaboration of recommendations for application and design of layers made of reclaimed asphalt in bituminous hot mixes. Particular focus is given to recycling material content in the mix, repeated recycling, sustainability, durability and mix design in order to promote the re-use of these recycling materials and to minimize the quantity of material that has to be disposed in landfills.

In order to validate the results under 1:1 field conditions in addition to this research package, it will be necessary to start at a certain moment of the project an object-related validation project VP6. In this project accelerated pavement testing will be used.

  • Management of the research-package “Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt in Hot Mixes”
  • Management of reference materials
  • Writing of the executive summary report
  • Project controlling by the steering committee

A periodic calibration and knowledge sharing between projects within the meaning of milestones indicated in the schedule and in accordance with the overall project management is essential in order to ensure synergies (for example, when selecting the expansion of asphalt and research methods) can. The projects, however, are dependent on time-not each other (with the exception of VP6). They can be largely carried out independently within the milestones and comparisons therefore, especially since they are clearly demarcated in terms of research objectives. This allows all individual projects (EP1 - EP5) with the same priority are started simultaneously.

In order to enable an optimal synergy between the individual projects FP1 - FP5 all the research points must use the same asphalt, the same starting materials in particular. There is therefore provided, management, storage and distribution of materials required for the project.

In the interests of best possible comparability and to ensure cross-connections in the sense of a red thread each research centrum has it's conduct investigations in addition to a base material, which is precisely defined in terms of composition, provenance of the components and manufacture. In addition to all manufactured within the task spectrum of the individual research projects predefined material variants simple basic examinations must be carried out.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Project management of the research package listed below in the frame of one general project manager GPM who is supported technically by a steering committee.

  • EP1: Optimal content of RAP 
  • EP2: Multiple recycling of asphalt pavements
  • EP3: Assessment of materials flow and sustainability
  • EP4: Assessment of durability of pavements with RAP
  • EP5: Mix optimization for pavements with RAP

Final report contains methods, procedures and timetable for each individual project and was published under no. VSS 2005/451 (attached).

Other results

To promote the re-use of these recycling materials and to minimize the quantity of material that has to be disposed in landfills.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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