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Research package AGB1 (AGB2005/100)

Switzerland Flag
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Project website
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The research projects under a certain topic are managed under a separate project. Its aim is to assure the coordinated completion and goal achievement of the research projects - subprojects within the given time frame. It should also integrate the results in a final report.


The main goal of this research package is establishing the basis for decision taking and developping methods for the purposeful use of limited financial resources in order to reach and maintain the required safety standards of roads and its civil engineering structures.The research package is divided into 10 subprojects. The assignment of the project management includes the following tasks: 

- organising and guiding the tender procedure for the subprojects
- general management of the overall project
- monitoring, coordinating and reviewing all the subprojects
- Reporting
- Consolidation of the results of the subprojects in a final report


First, a preliminary analysis is carried out, which makes the final specification of the sub-projects and their tendering. Key project is AGB1 GS3, in which the methodology for uniform risk assessment is being developed. All other sub-projects have dependencies on this and other projects, which are considered in the procedure plan. 


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


There are the following outputs of this project:

  • Final pre-analysis 
  • Tendering subprojects
  • Completion of methods of Risk Assessment 
  • Tendering subprojects to validate the subsystem engineering structures 
  • Delivering Synthesis Report 

In summary the following most important insights derive from the research package AGB1:

  • The methodology for the comparative risk assessment proposed in AGB1 is based on the practice employed so far and is suitable for the application in the different safety areas. It allows for a consistent treatment and for the comparability of miscellaneous risks.
  • The methodology emerges as applicable, however when applied may lead to a considerable expenditure depending on there complexity, quality and database of the examinated system.
  • In certain safety areas like traffic situation used as an example good prerequisitetes exist indeed for the risk based approach (accident data, statistics etc.). Its implementation and application however is still at the beginning. Corresponding tools would have to be established yet.
  • In a further group of safety areas AGB1 provides new options for the risk based approach, this particularly for the evaluation of the net risk and the risks of the asset of civil engineering structures.
  • In design and conservation of civil engineering structures there is a profoundly fixed and established tradition of standards based on a safety oriented approach. In the foreseeable future today’s dimensioning procedures will not be replaced by a risk based approach. The latter however may add to the traditional safety analyses in special cases and challenges, particularly for the examination of existing structures.
  • The risk based approach may only be implemented into practice, if the legal prerequisites exist and the legal practice accepts the approach. Partly these prerequisites have to be created yet.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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