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Safety culture in private and professional transport: examining its influence on behaviours and implications for interventions

Norway Flag
Geo-spatial type
STRIA Roadmaps
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

It is widely recognised that safety culture is important for safety in organisational settings in hazardous industries, and this project examines the utility of the perspective in road and sea transport. The project has chosen Greece for comparison since data show that Greece has a very poor transport safety record in relation to most other EU countries. 


This project aims at comparison of users of cars, powered two-wheelers, leisure boats, HGVs, buses and short sea cargo and ferry crew members in different contexts in Norway. It also compares safety culture in different transport modes and social contexts between Norway and Greece.

The main aims of the project are to examine the influence of culture on transport safety behaviour in private and professional road and sea transport, and to clarify implications for safety intervention strategies.


The project is organised in six work packages described below.

  • WP1: Literature review to identify relevant measures of transport safety behaviours and safety outcomes in private and professional road transport and other key variables influencing the transport safety behaviours of these groups.
  • WP2: Empirical study to examine whether and how membership in different sociocultural units (nation, sector, organization) influences transport safety behaviour and safety outcomes in professional road and sea transport. This WP will involve qualitative interviews (N=40) and surveys involving bus drivers and drivers of heavy goods vehicles(HGVs) and crew on short sea cargo vessels and ferries (N=800). We will also interview (N=20) and sample HGV drivers and cargo vessels in Greece(N=400).
  • WP3: Empirical study to examine whether and how membership in different sociocultural units (nation, region, peer-group) influences transport safety behaviour and safety outcomes in private road and sea transport. We will conduct qualitative interviews (N=30) and surveys among users of private cars, PTWs and leisure boat owners, both sailing boats and motorboats (N=1600).
  • WP4: Multivariate analyses, validation of scales and testing of relationships.
  • WP5: Evaluate how the knowledge on group membership influencing TSC and the relative importance of TSC as a predictor of transport safety behaviour and safety outcomes can be used to increase transport safety.
  • WP6 Communication.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
The Research Council of Norway
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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